
QuickTime is built-in in Mac OS so no, your browser won't prompt you to do anything. On Windows, it needs to be installed on your PC. Either way, you won't need to start QuickTime Player to watch the trailer as it should play in your browser, with the QuickTime plug-in.

So you're saying that the most widely supported format for video and audio these days (Mp4) sucks? Unless for some reason your set up requires that you use QuickTime Player instead of simply watching it in the browser.

You most likely need the QuickTime plug-in but the site won't launch QuickTime Player (I know, I tried on both my PC and my Mac).

So the guy above seems to think that the format (MP4) is the problem. You say that it's not the format but the player. Could you make up your mind?

1) I didn't see any QuickTime Player anywhere on the site

The trailers play right in your browser, in 720p, without YouTube annoying ads. What's the problem?

Namco calls dibs on prior art:

True. It's also the closest we will ever get to a good game version of Miami Vice.

I'm simply not convinced of the usefulness of widgets, even on Android; in all use cases I've encountered (such as the ones you mention), it seemed to me that widgets were only duplicating an existing functionality with no visible benefits -in terms of speed or usability- to the user. But I don't really understand the

Sorry if this sounds like bias against Android, but it's not; as I said "widgets" are a feature that appeared first 10 years ago on Mac OS X, and in that amount of time I haven't seen one example of "must-have" widget whether on desktop or mobile. "Calendar appointment" > Calendar app, "Latest website X headline" >

I won't link you to a "let me google that for you" URL and instead give you the next best thing:

Now you've made me want to watch it.

You don't need to watch Jimmy Kimmel or to be American to understand the meaning of "unnecessary censorship."

In which movie did a book stop a .50 caliber rifle round?

Opinions. People have them.

Watch the whole 4 minutes of it. Sure it starts off as one of the players "trolling" (?) but that's not what the video is about.

Also known as "unnecessary censorship."

And a lot of people hate "widgets" with a passion and turn all notifications off (what's the point of a lock screen if all your info gets displayed on it). Not everyone uses their phones the same way you do.

First off, the Xbox division sucks at marketing in Japan. Although with a name like Xbox, they really had their work cut out for them.

iTunes works great on Mac OS X.