all things considered

“Did you know turkeys could talk and use cellular telephones? I did. I just made a fantastic great perfect deal with one just now.”

Trump and Erdogan have something in common. Both are ruthless far right autocrats who were helped into office by Russia meddling in their presidential election.

“They are the Twin towers, I was the first to come up with that name”

Probably also a guaranteed green light and financing for the Trump Tower Moscow.

I’m sure some people are able to squint and convince themselves that Trump’s Syria pronouncement makes sense. But nobody can approve of this (lack of) process.

Thats the laughable thing about this. Despite Trump blatantly showing everybody what a corrupt, self-centered moron he is about world affairs, and this shocking betrayal of our allies, Ms. Lindsey is still staunchly and actively supporting him against the impeachment inquiries.

Having seen Trump’s great deal making skills, I imagine the contract negotiations went something like this:

I can hardly form sentences about how bad this is. Now both our enemies, and our allies, have concrete proof we can’t be trusted. We will be excluded from every major decision about the direction of that part of the world for the foreseeable future. We have sold out our friends and raised up our enemies. All in the

We also pulled out of the Open Skies Treaty. Look forward to Russia annexing its neighbors.

basically Donald Trump was trying to get Erdogan off the phone,”

Unfortunately, being an incompetent pushover is not a high crime.

So Trump’s saying he’s going to protect the Kurds if Turkey ‘goes too far’. They are going to launch an offensive to find and kill them. Just exactly what would count as going too far, then?  Maybe kicking them in the shins and then killing them?

Those who STILL support this unstable menace are truly lost. It is so frustrating to live in a country where so many are uneducated, uninteresting and unwavering fans of Cheato McBonespurs. It is time to put birth control in the drinking water.

President Pussy Ass Bitch gets punked and dunked

I mean, Trump hasn’t truly been challenged in a meaningful way his whole life until he ran for and became President. Of course he caves, all he wants is people to like him. That’s why he ramps up his attacks on Democrats because they are faceless to him, but the screaming fans that love every minute of it are not.

Your master dealmaker at work, folks!

A list of the countries that Trump supports reads like the Axis Powers.

GOPers are shocked SHOCKED SHOCKED that Preznit Goodbrain Strongman is basically a weak willed chickenshit traitor.

Think this might have something to do with it? Trump to Breitbart in 2015: