all things considered

Don’t worry about it, it happens.

Yeah, to put it another way, let’s tally up the total Republican votes for President over the last four elections:

Of course he is!

Heroin, percocet and fentanyl

Richard Spencer doesn’t seem to be on board... but only because Trump isn’t quite vile enough for his tastes.

She should have asked him how it would make him feel if someone told him to go back to the Galápagos Islands.

Yup. It’s too early to say who Trump’s opponent will be in 2020 (just kidding, it’s Biden), but these four will still be in office come 2020, so you lay the groundwork now. Make THEM the evil face of the Democrats and get the hillbillies hootin’ and hollerin’ so that when the candidate is chosen in 2020, they either

My father and I argued over Mitch for decades but eased up toward the end. He’s been gone now for quite some time, but yet we still have Mitch.

Yup. There’s always gotta be a boogeyman. How do these folks live. Frankly, hearing about Trump and McConnell is exhausting. Yet these assholes have been findings new targets to be afraid of or angry at as soon as the old ones go away.

Interesting they haven’t shouted at Bernie to go back where he came from, even though he’s laid the groundwork for many of the squads policies.

It’s not difficult to figure out what comes next, especially after reading about Fox news’ racist rant following the Trump Klan rally and the CNN interview with the Trump campaign spokesperson. They’re trying to make rep. Omar and “the squad” the 2020 version of Hillary Clinton because the trumpbillies need a target

Nah, he definitely unified all the racists under one banner.

She’s not interested in going home, and I’m glad she’s not.

“I think it’s time to lower the rhetoric related to that subject all across America,” McConnell said,

Trump is taking credit he doesn’t deserve for job growth, according to many economists who view the continued growth since the middle of 2009 as the primary explanation for the recent hiring. More important, there are multiple signs that the racial wealth gap is now worsening and the administration appears to have

In a normal country at a normal time he might have point, but this isn’t normal this “vote or we might not vote again*” time.

The catch is that there will probably be some down-ballot candidate who is trying and will need his vote, but he’ll fold his arms and wallow in his sanctimoniosity.

That is extremely fucking depressing but also not at all surprising. God, I hope we get a viable candidate this time around.

The fact that they are TERRIFIED that they no longer matter is the entire point of Donald-fucking-Trump. So yes, we need to stop arguing and cajoling and attempting to reason with these people and find ways to win in spite of them.

Eh, I’m nor sure that these white women matter as much as they/we think they do. As Michael Harriot wrote earlier this month,