Yep. This is just the latest "lock her up" or him calling on his fans to beat up protestors.
Yep. This is just the latest "lock her up" or him calling on his fans to beat up protestors.
Fortunately, they are on a very small minority. I saw re-stated on the actual news today that Trump only received 26% of the popular vote. That’s only one point over 1/4 of the voting-eligible population.
When this is all over, nobody will admit to ever having supported it
The Democrats have been playing this game for a long time. Treating the left as “kooky”, “crazy”, “out there”, “have their public whatever” (funny you’ve never seen Pelosi refer to Joe Manchin’s “public whatever”). As the saying goes, play stupid games win stupid prizes
But people on here are actually EXCUSING Trump’s actions
I don’t think anyone’s actually saying that. I’m not. But she needs to be more fucking mindful of his danger. She acts like were in normal times and we are definitely not.
They should fact-check her about only half being deplorable.
Because we have no say what shitgibbon does but our own are supposed to have our backs. Vichy Khaleesi only cares about her mega donors and conservative* voter backlash.
The resentful racist white person has become America’s worst nightmare. This kind of behavior from white people is why they deserve to become a minority in America. Get a taste of your own medicine. No one has sympathy for a racist.
Trump supporters don’t even know or care what anti-semitism is beyond a knee jerk reaction to agree with something Trump is saying. These are the same people complaining that “Jews” run Hollywood and the Media and Wall Street and that George Soros is funding some sort of resistance
I feel bad for Omar. She was 10 when she came to America and became a proud U.S. Citizen and now she has to watch racist chants against herself. I fear some violent MAGA person will attack her.
Yeah, it’s a good thing Trump and his ilk have never been racist and/or violent towards people without first waiting for Pelosi to criticize them individually.
Our blowhard in chief has been doing exactly this same schtick for decades.
Yep. It’s been too late for a long time. I’ve posted numerous times on different forums, what would it take for voter sentiment to threaten GOP Senators enough to impeach him? Never get an answer. And the farther he pushes them the more entrenched those voters get. It’s more than scary.
Actually it started when AOC’s chief of staff called a bunch of fellow Democrats racists for voting for the bill to fund the
detention centersconcentration camps
This. Let’s absolutely not forget this. Let’s absolutely not let other Dems try to make us forget that. I’m not saying she wanted this outcome, but she damned sure helped enable it, and she should own that.
Trump wants a list of Muslims? Maybe there should also be a list of attendees at his hate rallies.
MAGA roundtable: “Ok, everyone’s got their anti-Semitic attack points ready for Democratic candidates, right?”
A white supremacist whining about anti-semitism is peak stupid timeline
Let’s not forget that the latest “anti-squad” frenzy began with Pelosi’s cheap pot shots. Maybe she’ll think twice before doing this the next time.