A. Square

This is actually kind of great. Not being able to finish a big project is the worst fucking thing in the world. It haunts you. It’s like a death, something you’ll never quite get over. That they got to actually come to a conclusion is seriously a blessing. I mean, fuck the bean counting bullshit that is making the HBO

But You’ll Never See What We Paid Them For

The show changed quite a lot, though nothing really fundamental - mostly padding things out to be more television-showlike, and disconnecting itself from anything related to the various DC continuities. Of the changes, I’d say one third turned out great, a third “well that didn’t work at all”, and the last being

A gimmick poster! Thumbs up, gawdemmit, don’t stop believin

The moment I said “fuck Blockbuster” was when I realized in talking to someone that the copy of Bad Lieutenant I had checked out of the Blue n Yellow had entire scenes completely excised from the film, and that the rumors I had heard of Blockbuster editing movies for controversial content were entirely true. On top of

Fuck off, dude. If I made a movie that became a beloved classic but like 99% of people think someone else did my job, I would be biting off my tongue every night. People who do good work deserve to be credited, and correct attribution is a genuinely important and moral thing to do in any endeavor. If you don’t see

I’m not even going to read this article, I’m just going to insist from now on that it refers to a remake of Spring Breakers with Johnny 5 in the James Franco role

Damn if I don’t see WJH playing that scene you wrote note-perfectly

The OGs will wait any amount of time until they get it right, goddamn it

She-Hulk has traditionally been the Fantastic Fifth, so D’Arcy just needs to take out Tatiana and she’s good to go. (They should have a “acting like your former castmates” competition - that would be insanely epic.)

I think they’ve already introduced the Negative Zone in Ms. Marvel (albeit not by name, it’s possible they could just use the QR for everything).

K-Bell would make an awesome Sue. And holy schnikes, Manny Jacinto would be an incredible Johnny.

That “The Jaunt” came as close as it did to becoming a movie is ridiculous (even after stories like The Mangler” getting to make it to the screen).

I’ve only read excerpts from them, but those Army of Darkness comics were nearly as ridiculously full of versuses: not just Freddy and Jason, but Xena (Warrior Princess) and Herbert West, the Re-Animator.  Oh, and I think Dracula was in there, too

I just recently saw that YouTube video of her holding a crazy garage sale of a shitton of amazing memorabilia - her outfits, her accordions, stuff from her movies, stuff from other famous people, totally weird shit - pretty much as awesome as you’d hope for Judy Freakin Tenuta’s garage sale to be. I was shocked at

You’ve probably never heard of Bellona either

What drives me especially nuts is that even comic readers often no longer distinguish between “trade paperback” and “graphic novel”. Of all the taffy pulling of the term, whether venal or arrogant, that is the most meaningless and stupid.

You are absolutely right, I make this mistake all the time.  Too late to edit, though.

Okay, let’s get this straight.