This is EXACTLY the comic I've been waiting for - guest writer/artists doing "fanfic" (aka one-off stories). Okay, I did imagine it as an issue of Ms. Marvel and that it would be all Kamala's own fanfic, but CLOSE ENOUGH.
This is EXACTLY the comic I've been waiting for - guest writer/artists doing "fanfic" (aka one-off stories). Okay, I did imagine it as an issue of Ms. Marvel and that it would be all Kamala's own fanfic, but CLOSE ENOUGH.
One of my metrics for years when having conversations with people about Watchmen was whether they picked up on the noneponymy (I think I just made up a word) of the title. That Snyder completely failed to pick up on this - or even worse, and very likely, that someone probably pointed it out to him and he dismissed it…
To me, the early to mid nineties are when all the greatness of DC moved directly to Vertigo and the like, and the DCU proper went to shit. Not that there weren't good books like Starman here and there, but at that point the Crosshatch Holofoil Age had begun.
Marvel's Thunderbolts is also an intermittently fun spin on the idea.
One of the base strengths of the concept is that, as they're C-list
villains, anyone could die, giving a fresh injection
of real stakes and unassured outcomes to the standard team book
formula. Even later on, when it became increasingly clear that Floyd,
Boomer, and the Wall weren't going anywhere, it's a credit to
"Too many comics"? You have NO idea.
Ugh, Millennium is terrible. Not only is it not representative of that era, it's one of the first contrived, utterly needless post-Crisis crossover events that ended up doing little more than interfering with individual runs. (I do have a soft spot for Invasion!, tho.)
You're cutting out some of the best years DC ever had. I'll second everything Simon sez, with the addition that those proto-Vertigo books (Swamp Thing, Doom Patrol, Animal Man, Black Orchid) are just as good or better. Plus, there's also the Helfer-Baker Shadow run, Alans Grant & Davis on Detective, and about a…
THE BADGER. That was some seriously ahead of its time/totally of its time "quirky groundlevel superhero" stuff.
Funny thing is, the best dip to go with sweet potato fries (especially if they're spicy) is honey.
Cool! Probably my biggest disappointment with Wolf Among Us was that ditched its procedural exploration elements almost immediately, and that it's something their gameplay style could actually be good at. I'm heartened to hear that it's returned with a vengeance (and the night, and Batman).
It is definitely the most Ozu of any Kurosawa I've seen.
Don't do it!
I love that movie. It's unusually prosaic and low-stakes for Kurosawa, but it's tender and unguarded in a way he doesn't often do.
I can't take it anymore - I've just gotta know What Did You Watch Last Night (or Over the Weekend)?!
Ooosh. Not so goatporky as I'd prefer. Art directors at Wizards should always urge their staff to ask themselves, when faced with these Lower Dudes, "Is this metal enough?"
Is Orcus still around in 5e?
New Orleans.
I read Spook, and found it annoyingly glib and
shallow; Roach brought up all kinds of fascinating material and did
little more than pat them on the head with quips. To anyone who's gone
further with her work - does her writing improve significantly?