A. Square

Well, I'm sold.

I suspect that Dude With Big Sword in the trailer is Wong, which would be about what I'd expect. No WAY were they gonna touch traditional Wong.

Are you primarily familiar with the character through the Netflix show, or the comics? Because, to be perfectly frank, "martial arts = Asian" is exactly the type of stereotyping being decried here. I can see this error happening from the casting of Yung in the show, but from the comics, I dunno.

And some seriously prime cut Edith Massey.

Yeah, I'd agree with that assessment (and that Pecker is his last good movie). I think he's a different person now, and that person isn't really a filmmaker. Maybe he'll come back to it someday, but I'd rather wait until he really gives a shit.

I'd even put The Host above Memories of Murder. It remains one of the most adroit tone-switching movies I've seen, even amidst the work of a country known for tonal whiplash.

Metamorphosis Odyssey up to the end of Starlin's run (Peter David then took over) is every bit as good as his original Warlock run, I think.

That's probably Daina Grazunias (I hope) - she's cowritten a few novels with him (I've never read any), and I have fond memories of their goofy fumetti in the backpages of Dreadstar, back in the day.

…I take this to mean Bendis is the one who reimagined the character in DD?

I hope there's a bunch of Helfer/Baker Shadows in there - that's when the book got truly WEIRD and amazing.

Back when I used to lurk scans_daily (I had gotten out of comics for several years, and whatever your feelings about that site, it got me back in), Simone would drop in from time to time to chat and have discussions about her work and other things going on throughout the industry. In fact, it seemed like every

Was the current version of Night Nurse - speakeasy superhero Florence Nightingale - created during that story? It's an awesome use of a non-cape Marvel character, but I don't know if that was original to The Oath.

Wow, it sounds like you pretty much got My Formative Years In A Box. All of those things (even the bad stuff) made me who I am today.

Any experience with old undergrounds? An issue of Zap or Weirdo can be a real palate cleanser - rarely is there a story that lasts more than a page or two, and the perspective and energy is completely different than regular narrative comics.

There, there, Mrs.——

For people reading that actually know who he is, and have a less abstract feeling of loss, that throwaway comment stung.

No worries, it's just that it was kind of a lovely (if kinda nonsensical) turn of phrase, but I couldn't help spoiling it with that dragon clarity.
Anyway, BKV is a good writer, you might like his non-superhero stuff too (though Ex Machina does sorta have superheroes, it's in a very non-616 world).

Forgive me, but I have to know: by "never really touched the universe", what exactly do you mean?

Now an Inhumanoids movie, I'd be sold on unreservedly. I still find it hard to believe a Saturday morning cartoon ran with the theme song and overall aesthetic of a Dio album cover.

Runaways, Saga, Ex Machina, and the Pride of Baghdad graphic novel are his most acclaimed and popular works other than Y. He's done work for the Big Two, Image, Dark Horse, and others. But his highest profile work was as a writer for Lost at its peak.