A. Square

Superhero movies haven't followed the Golden->Silver->Bronze blueprint at all; I'd say that so far, the movies have gone Bronze->Dark/Modern (which reminds me, we really need a new name for the current era, which seems quite different from the thirty-odd years that preceded the present). I'm still hoping that we get

I mean, good Lord, DC revived so, so many of the worst excesses of the '90's, yet couldn't even get right the one character who was so over-the-top that he was actually fun.

…Oliver Sava turned into comics Armond White so gradually I didn't even notice.

And yeah, I've rarely heard any account of Kricfalusi that doesn't simultaneously hail him as a genius and rue that he's a complete asshole.

Over a span of two-and-a-half decades, in which we've seen the rise of Cartoon Network and Adult Swim, a major network devoting most of an evening to adult cartoons, and the explosion of nostalgia projects on all kinds of platforms, if a beloved, talented creator can't get anything off the ground, we might have to

I always thought of him choosing projects based on what gives him the strongest mental images, as if the scripts or even just ideas that give him the most unshakeable pictures in his head are the ones he develops.

Just the fact that so many of these shots are iconic not just of Spielberg's career, but across all of cinema, is quite the testament.

Whether Tintin or Lincoln.

Though they were scientists in Los Angeles, not runaways in New York, they certainly didn't love each other, and had a relationship of darkness feeding more darkness…Agent Carter featured perhaps the closest thing to a messed-up Cloak and Dagger relationship we'll see onscreen.

I would absolutely watch The 100 - the concept is right up my alley, and I've heard they're actually going to the extremities that concept would suggest - if I had more time.

It is totally iZombie.

I even liked that moment as character work for White Josh - rather than a Gay Object of Desire that automatically reciprocates feelings for someone just coming out, it shows a bit of why he's into Darryl, and of course he'd have a longstanding crush on easygoing, flip-flops-and-Hawaiian-shirts Thomas Magnum.

I thought it was huge that they gave Valencia n' Josh just a few moments to be sweet to each other, and show the dynamic of why they're together.

I never thought that two of the most brilliantly written shows on television (possibly three, as I don't watch JtV, even though I probably should) are on the fricken' CW.

I've definitely been noticing over the past several episodes how much money she's been throwing around, literally like there's no tomorrow - there's that huge donation to the camp, and didn't she pay like twenty grand for stealing a car? Anyway, I'm thrilled that every time I've got a question mark over my head about

I loved that they gave "JAPBattle" a real earthy, early-nineties, East-Coast style beat, as the sound for this old Westchester schoolyard beef. And that they didn't attempt any sort of code appropriation.

Trent's a beautiful creation - perfectly conceived, perfectly written, perfectly cast - and it would be a shame to one-off him. But really, a character like him should probably be used once a season…so yeah, I hope we see him, like, at least two or three more times?

How old is your friend now?

Do the Right Thing was not nominated for Best Picture.