He's referred to his days with Capaldi a lot over the years - apparently, Capaldi was the one who coined "Bing Hitler", Ferguson's stand-up persona back in Scotland in the eighties.
He's referred to his days with Capaldi a lot over the years - apparently, Capaldi was the one who coined "Bing Hitler", Ferguson's stand-up persona back in Scotland in the eighties.
I recall most people using "Koski", or "GK", whereas they almost never used "Robinson" or "Bowman".
Thanks for taking my outraged suggestion.
Oh, wow, you're playing old-school ToME 1. I should have realized that when you said you were playing on Android. ToME 4 is like a completely different game, with all the mod cons, which I still recommend if you play RLs on PC.
Agreed, though I do very much appreciate weapon customization in a game, especially one with a lot of playstyle variation. Few things are more deflating than completing a laborious sidequest and getting items you're not even going to use. As long as such a system doesn't involve standard annoying inventory…
Do you mean ToME? After years of being a DCSS guy (and sucking), occasionally dipping into 7DRLs, finally getting into ToME 4 changed everything - I don't think I could go back to "bump to attack" RLs again (though, okay, I'm still going to win with a TM of Cheiabriados someday, I swear).
Moldorm is horrible - but I was actually incredibly glad to be playing on an emulator, because I could save right before the battle. I probably fought him near a hundred times before I beat him, and I can hardly bear the thought of having to march up that stupid tower over and over and over again just to be ringed…
Anyone remember Twilight Guardian, the co-winner of Top Cow's Pilot Season comp along with Genius? I absolutely loved the low-key, unreliable-narrator character study approach to the idea of superheroing, and I've always meant to track down the whole mini.
Perhaps levity is not called for during this situation, but I couldn't help but find this article a bit cathartic:
Wait, so his username is crysknife007, but there's no fucking Alan Splet sound design from Dune?!
My Storm has always been powerless-leader-of-the-X-Men-Mohawk-Storm, and I recall at the time they always had a more soulful relationship with each other than with the rest. There's even that Alan Davis annual that has them giving each other a "we're both gonna die, so let's go for it" deep kiss that sticks in my…
I will only accept a reboot with Nicola Scott or equivalent art.
I've never been able to bring myself to watch past 2.0, but I've actually rewatched the mini twice, something I almost never do. I've seen the Apocalypse bungled time and again, so its thrilling to see the end of everything given an organic and human response, both personally and institutionally. And I could watch…
This was a running joke for YEARS, both among family and friends. Never gets old.
I immediately thought of, perhaps because of the dream associations, the different Nightmare on Elm Street game adaptations, which are varying levels of bad and weird. They both consist of exploring different houses and dreamscapes, grabbing stuff and fighting inanimate objects; in the NES version, you actually pick…
This just makes me want to hear a chiptune "Audrey's Dance".
Screw that noise - I feel like my high school crush just died, because that is precisely what happened. God, I was just absolutely in love with her.
Yeah, a lot of the…tension of watching the movie is that you keep expecting it to veer off into parody, but it never quite does, which is what elevates it above a stunt.
For years, this was my yardstick for choosing video rental joints: if they had a bootleg of Superstar, they were in.
I thought BOB was an agent of Hydra?