
I was lit up in a Houston suburb a few years ago and turned on my flashers, slowed to a crawl and preceded to drive until there was a well lit area for me to pull over, about 50 yards or so from where I was lit up. The first thing the cop said when he came to my car was, “Why were you evading? What are you running

The truth is out there.

My housemate was infected about 3 years ago which coincides with our move from the city to a literal cow town in NE Texas. Before then he was more concerned with motorcycles and rock music but now he doesn’t even listen to music anymore. Talk radio all the time. If he does turn on the tv it’s Fox News. He was once a

But I heard it on Ground Zero! That guy’s smart! I saw it on YouTube what more proof do you need? But he wrote a book! They wouldn’t let him write a book about it if it weren’t true! He’s rich! He must be smart to make all that money!

I’m spending my first Christmas with my family in 10 years (in Alabama because of course). I am also horrified at the thought that some of them willl undoubtedly be Trump supporters. At least my sisters brain is still functioning so we can band together against the crazy.

Same here! I genuinely loathe being stuck in the kitchen over a hot pan. However, I find baking to be pretty zen and creative. I have no problem spending 4 hours baking and decorating various sweets but please don’t ask me to spend 20 minutes making real food.

IKR?! Emotion is probably my favorite pop album of the decade so far not just the year and it’s ridiculous CRJ was snubbed. I was sick of 1989 after a week. Still listening to Emotion on the reg.

Genuinely curious... my roomate and I are tangling up about this one lately... what’s the harm in gun registration? His response is because he shouldn’t have to. But for real what’s the deal with that? I personally don’t own firearms but if I chose to I would have no problem obtaining a license or registering it. Just

It’s the powdered sugar that always foils my not leaving the house plans! I never seem to remember to keep it around but always need it! So I go to get powered sugar, get distracted and end up buying everything but the powdered sugar. Write a list you say! You underestimate by ability to lose said list between here

I am so guilty of this too. Bad Days = Frosting right out the can and ‘Clueless’ on repeat. Lalalalalalala I can’t hear you world I’m too busy rollin’ wit my homies lalalalalalalala.

Pssst... even though this shooting wasn’t related to a white, christian, gun toting extremist it doesn’t make all the other shootings that were go away.

As long as Jesse Williams takes his shirt off at least once per season Grey’s Anatomy will stay on the air. And I for one and completely fine with this.

I love peas. I am so full of peas. I had creamed peas and regular peas for dinner tonight. Did I mention I love peas? Let’s be friends.

I make excellent pierogi! Can I bring my dog? She’s cat friendly!

I cringed too. I have bad knees, ankles and 20 extra pounds on my ass and I can still do better fouettes than Britney. On carpet.

#NotAllTexans! Really, though I’m just as horrified by what comes out of the mouths of some Texans. If I didn’t live here I would probably be shouting for Texas to go fuck right off too. Wait no I do shout that sometimes..... carry on!

Right?! At what point do these people decide that Donald Trump is just one of us regular joes?! How do these people reconcile who Donald Trump really is with who they think or want him to be. He’s a racist, xenophobic, bigot who has NO experience in the field he’s trying to stick his dusty, shriveled cheeto dick in.

Finally, an uplifting story on Gawker!

I have irregular periods thanks to PCOS and after a months long dry spell, texted my mother to tell her I finally started my period this morning.

Too late for me.