
Doesn't matter. Boobs.

Hells yeah. Love this ship loads more than her and the Bat-God....

Is it just me or does the flying Hunter-Killer send just a little shiver down your spine.

why would you post that!? did I not mention my thousands of pounds of therapy!??!

GODAMMIT!!! I spent thousands on therapy to convince myself that that toilet monster wasn't real and now this?!!??!?


Occupational hazard?

Did anyone else read this in Wheatley's voice?

Why would i lie? Really?


I'm wondering who the frack is this Vision?

Yeah.... i've done this in Universe Sandbox!

Top Youtube Comment for Fringe....

i'm so hard right now....

Reminds me of the street where I rented my first apartment.

Direct-2-DVD wouldn't bother me.

I can dig that sentiment.


It might actually be really bad in the end... or, at the very least unfulfilling in light of the excruciating wait.

Now playing

WHERE'S MY KNIGHTS OF BADASSDOM!!!!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?*