My problem with all this genetically modified food is that the bio-modifications keep mutating my waistline outwards.... :(
My problem with all this genetically modified food is that the bio-modifications keep mutating my waistline outwards.... :(
As long as i get my Glau/Smulders catfight, i can deal...
heh. oh no; I like killing everything and playing the game....and dont get me wrong, i do end up using 'pwers' eventually cause lets face it, you cant progress most of the time without it.
I should clarify a little bit since i think using the word 'strategy' has given everyone the wrong idea...
I should clarify a little bit since i think using the word 'strategy' has given everyone the wrong idea...
I can think of several sequences where they broached the memory thing but thinking it over, I suppose the emphasis was more on the whole Bad/Good Hauser as opposed to Schizo/Spy Hauser.
heh. No, i get you..... that pretty much sums up what i (dislike is a strong word) dont really enjoy too much about 'power ups' in ANY game.
I will admit that is a weak point of the remake.
Just because that's what the film is touted as doesn't make it so.
why would it be a joke? Prometheus has absolutely nothing to it beyond some gorgeous visuals...
Now you see, even with the monumentally ridiculous 'The Fall', i think Total Recall is a far better film than Prometheus, which is just a collection stupid with extra bits of stupid bolted on the sides....
Really, really cant wait for this game as i adored the first one (except the ending!)