its the weird way the material on the waist/hips bit hangs; ruins one of my favourite parts on a lady... i like a bit of curve there and the huffpuff dress ruins the lines.
Ravenclaw's is a bit fancy but I like.
he's this freaky mix of creep, smarm, self-confidence and spray-tan....its like a horrific accident you cant turn your eyes from.
We ran out of Cuervo at our last 'Drinko de Mayo' and all i had left was Red Matter...
You just need the perfect business card as well...
Having your hand on a hot plate, a second can feel like an eternity...
You know what i like about this TV show?
yeah... i'm just...gonna go....over there.
yeah... i'm just...gonna go....over there.
Feel better now?
I still remember how really shocked and mildly outraged the (British) audience was when i went to see it.
I much prefer this remix...
I swear this show should be called 'Fifty Shades of Red' or something...
okay...complete ignoramus here but, i was under then impression that 'tool-using' was a BIG thing for animals... i mean, like a serious indicator of intelligence.
its an amazing pic, right?