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Did you?
that is a goddamn awesome picture and i want it on my wall.
i loved that movie.
first thought here.
Its not like Disney/Pixar are hurting for subject material....
lets not fucking jinx it talking about losing control.... :p
How the hell have they managed that without ridiculous lag?
I see what you're saying but the Patter Buffer has been described as actually holding the energised particles as a matter stream. its not computer data, its particle storage.
I'm pretty sure Star Trek transporters dont use this 'destructive copying' method.
I had heard nothing but good things about this series but then I bought Insect Armageddon and, perversely, didn't really like it.
I appreciate your quip, at the very least... :p
Ah money; makes you do crazy things.
Great idea! if only we could have proper signatures... i'm gonna do a manual one now with every post...
in all fairness, they made the movie last year but then decided to put it on hold before they did any sort of marketing...