Terry Silvester

Did you even read his post or comments? He liked a couple of critical comments and then directed people to stop commenting on his personal life posts, and created one space for them to do so. He has made no comments even alluding to martyr-dom and has said extremely little about the show other than “don’t blame me” to

Aside from the ultimately marginal appearance and effect of the sets, the director completely failed to impart a feeling to those viewers of the lower 48 what it is like to live in an small town enveloped in winter and eternal night. They NEVER implied what time of day it was so that the viewer felt an ominous eternal

Well, at least now I understand why the entire “ice cave” looked exactly like molded plastic and plastic sheeting on a warm, blatantly-fake set.

You should do a piece on how fucking awful it was. 

I like the suggestion that they considered shooting in alaska but thought iceland would be better. that’s incredibly stupid if true, but it’s far more likely that the iceland shoot was imposed for budgetary reasons.

Did we watch the same ending!?

Oh, and reading back through the reviews for this season it’s good to see the AVC is still using writers who are too busy on their laptops or phones to pay attention to the show they’re supposed to be reviewing.  Why watch when you can just invent details or pose silly questions that were explicitly answered on screen?

I was genuinely excited for this season, especially for Foster, Hawkes, Eccleston, and Shaw. Saw a couple interviews with Lopez that quelled that a bit but was still cautiously optimistic. I’m glad I waited til today to binge this because this was a sloppy, disjointed mess. The acting was the only good thing about it,