
I could care less if it was fake or some ploy, I enjoyed using a cat to pimp slap that Vienna sausage fucktard yesterday and it was the best Rick rolling ever.

Or Superbowel.

You spelled it wrong. Use “Superb owl”

Nintendo 3DS: “Daddy’s Big Little Nintendo”

Frankly, this seems overwrought. From the Silmarillion, it is clear that the elder, powerful entities of Middle Earth — the Valar and the Maiar — have declined to interfere directly in the affairs of the younger races (elves, dwarves, men), as such attempts in the distant past led to great suffering, and it is

This is the only thing Tolkien ever said on the subject, from the book of letters.

The eagles are the messengers of Manwe, the leader of the Valar(gods). By the Third Age, the Valar had a strict hands off policy concerning the big events in Middle Earth. Manwe couldn’t send the eagles to take the Ring and destroy it because that would be too much meddling, but they could save Frodo and Sam after