*Even in the. “Early, late”...go home: you’re drunk!
*Even in the. “Early, late”...go home: you’re drunk!
Big Noyd never hit big, but Episodes of a Hustla was excellent. Havoc at his peak.
Early, late 1990's El-P. Even back then, his skill was apparent.
Stop nagging the guy, dude.
We lost to Iran in 1998. We lost to Ghana and the Czech Republic, and drew with eventual champions Italy in the group stage in 2006. Still, we should have been better in 2006.
The DAs are still relatively new, and have already given us Pulisic and a bunch of other young players on the rise. Gotta be a little patient.
Best price except for, you know, Sissoko.
Kid ‘N Played-Out
Not sure that his apology was sufficient enough or not. It certainly wasn’t too human. He’s trying to save his job, etc., so I can’t fault the guy for at least addressing it since his escapades were splashed everywhere a few weeks ago.
But, yeah. Even domestic abuse you can apologise your way out of, if you’re a slippery enough fuck.
You are missing the point entirely.
I’m with the “not making it” scenario. You need a bright young coach (Mike *cough* Munoz *cough*) who has an understanding of talent and development. Let the youth play.
He qualified as both QB and WR on yahoo.
Rachel Price is possibly the most attractive woman on Earth. Possibly.
AND he still had time for this video! Imagine if he focused just on baseball...
This video makes me “ok” with being old. Thank you, Lexy Panterra.
Death, taxes, and Barcelona doing some fuck shit in the summer 2017 transfer window. These are the three constants in life, and boy does that last one keep reminding us of its omnipresence.
Tom Llamas doesn’t get how Baylor bears any responsibility for the actions of its players because they’re all over 18.
Clayton never got out of his own way at the plate, and Gant, Lankford, and Jordan had speed and pop but never quite got past “very good”.
I have no clue why I watched the late-80's/early 90's Braves. Wasn’t a fan of the team but I was fascinated by some of those players like Gant, Zane Smith, and Lonnie Smith. Pete Van Wieren was an outstanding broadcaster, so he made it interesting.