A Goshdarn Gorilla

When comment sections were being shut down at Root and Jezebel and AVC was circling towards shallow clickbait nonsense, I assumed that was going to be pretty much it and I’d have to find something else to do with my online pop culture time.  This is my favorite website and I feel like it’s gotten a pardon from

If we’re talking staff, let’s get Will Harris on Random Roles again


I don’t have a song selection in mind (I mean... “Tubthumping” got done already).  But hey, if y’all are hiring, toss Nathan Rabin an assignment or two.

This is great news. Also, as a software engineer, I’m nerding out that you are migrating to a different platform. It looks like Paste Magazine uses WordPress, will A.V. Club also be on WordPress?? I’d love that!

I hope The A.V. Club also brings back Page to Screen and One-Season Wonders.

I have no suggestions, but this news makes me deliriously happy.

The “not that there’s anything wrong with that” episode is an interesting artefact. It had an impact at the time because queerness was something that was gaining a level of mainstream acceptance, and so people often were unsure how they were meant to talk about a thing they were aware of but weren’t necessarily

“They keep moving the lines in for some reason. I do this joke about the way people justify about using their cell phone. You don’t seem important the way you scroll through them like a gay French king. I did this line recently in front of a live audience. They thought, ‘What do you mean gay? What are you doing? What

It really is kind of amazing how Seinfeld thinks that PC wokeness has killed television comedy when Veep and Curb, shows featuring his former collaborators, both had some of the most non-PC, un-woke content and just recently left the air each after long, critically acclaimed and commercially successful runs. What the

There’s so much of Trump’s...tenure...as POTUS that is Ianuccian, but perhaps the best bit was the cherry on top of the whole shebang: Four Seasons Total Landscaping.

So...to be fair I never understood “puffy shirt = gay” to be the joke there. I didn’t see any suggestion of that. They just said it looked stupid.

Jerry Seinfeld has spent more than 20 years watching Larry David prove that he’s who everyone thought Jerry Seinfeld was while watching Seinfeld. And that existential crisis has hounded him more and more each day as everyone cheers on Larry David being both edgy AF and also not a sh**bird pedo like Jerry Seinfeld is.

He’s literally just mad that young audiences don’t connect with his material, so he has to fabricate a reason why that isn’t his comedy sucking.

I think Jerry is still broken up over how Michael Richards has been basically ostracized from society, but what he did would have gotten him “cancelled” during Seinfeld’s run, so it makes no sense.

I’d take Selena in a second over a sequel to Trump.

Jerry was a leader in late 90s ‘gay panic’ jokes.

I just...don’t know what the fuck Seinfeld is on about. Dude never was in any danger of being too fucking edgy, blue, or controversial. I’ve not seen a single thing that approaches even the tamer parts of a Bill Burr or Patton Oswalt show.

Ah, Jerry Seinfeld: the man who was barely relevant on the TV show that bore his name.