A Goshdarn Gorilla

As one of those “bad parents” of a trans youth, I say “Go fuck yourself” to this dipshit mediocre-at-best “actor.” It’s hard enough to help your child navigate their journey, not to mention worrying about the unprovoked hatred and violence coming their way in part due to ignorance and bigotry from this two-bit hack

Julia Louis-Dreyfus remains unchallenged as the Best Dreyfus(s).

Sounds like the Daily Wire has found the star of their next embarrassing excuse for a movie... the star power that Dreyfuss, Gina Carano, Jon Voight, and Adam Carolla will bring is incredible!

This just in: Old white man spouts right wing talking points. Up next: Water found to be wet.

I mean, dude BEEN a prick for decades now. 

Heck, he never got over Spy Magazine calling him a “short fingered vulgarian”, he didn’t seem to have a problem with the vulgarian part, but implying that he had small hands was a bridge too far. He was still harassing the writer long after Spy Magazine stopped publication, I think almost right up until he ran for

I don’t even care if it’s “good” or not. I think I’d be delighted to see any rendition of Trump’s shitty, unhinged behavior out there for all to see, especially knowing that he’s having a fit watching it too.

I love how he’s never gotten over the accusation that he didn’t win fairly in 2016, that there was election interference. So now he just throws that accusation out there.

“...and that little boy whom nobody liked grew up to be... Roy Cohn Donald Trump.”

Hope I got the right one. You only have that problem on mobile? For me anytime I try to paste an image it shows up twice. I delete the second one and then half the time it doesn’t go through and I have to edit the post and try again. Never change Kinja.

This is how I imagine the filmmakers and their lawyers reacting to the Trump lawyers’ C&D letter:

Yup. I get to read medical studies of all stripes almost once a week for work, and nothing bugs me more than people who magically expect that same amount of rigor from a pop culture moment.

Agree that context and timeline is really important here. Yes, if Super Size Me came out in 2024 everyone would say “duh”. Part of the reason everyone would say duh is because Super Size Me came out in 2004. Which then paved the way for Food Inc, Jamie Oliver, and ten million Netflix documentaries on the subject that

Agree — I’m in my early 40s and been having trouble explaining to my younger friends 10-20 years my junior just how, well, “big” Super Size Me was when it came out and what kind of impact it had. No one was ever under the impression that fast food was healthy, but the degree to which it was unhealthy, and how systemic

Always thought it was weird people criticized SSM as like an actual scientific experiment when it’s pretty clear it was gonzo journalism. I’m not the biggest fan or detractor, but I think it’s disingenuous to act like he was doing a controlled experiment, and it actually did have an impact on the food industry, I

Super Size Me was one of the sparks in the discussion about fast food, but for a more holistic, less sensationalistic view, read Fast Food Nation - much more in-depth. And I’m not talking about the bad movie they made based on it.

During races, professional cyclists eat a gel that’s almost pure sugar to prevent their body from metabolizing muscle protein into glucose.

I saw the twitter dunking and it was mostly being made by people who weren’t even alive in ‘04 when Super Size Me came out. Even at it’s release ‘Oh wow guy eats nothing but Mcdonald’s and gets fat stop the presses’ was a wide criticism of the films concept. But at the time it was pretty hard to know what was being

Republicans are about ready to nominate a rapist for president.