
That game is shit and it’s tragic he wasted his life playing it.

Why do you only make stupid comments? Are you really so stupid?

Kotaku slid years ago. It used to be decent 3 years ago, but now it is absolute garbage.

AKA Supressing any you don’t agree with.

Germain has proven himself to be a complete moron so nothing he says can be believed.

If only Natural Selection worked on us. ; ;

Shut your cunt

RIP io9. Going to have to find a new site now.

You’ve clearly never seen Clone Wars.

Didn’t she go full nude in Spartacus?

One way or another that Elf is about to get a dicking.

And EA.

Because Kotaku is here to make sure you do. Gotta make their ActiBlizz overlords happy.

io9 has gotten so bad that even Gizmodo are doing their articles now. lol Fucking Germain...

Jokes about color and gender are still fine. It’s just fanatics want to censor everyone. Stand up to them. Censorship is wrong.

As usual, the stupid people who support microtransactions continue to ruin gaming for the real gamers. Just like those stupids ruin the real world.

I was drunk while watching, but I think my favorite character died. :(

And out come all the morons faking like they care about the guy and that he wasn’t killing Nintendo. We’re finally rid of this duct bile, and the real fans are happy. You people are as phoney as a banana phone.

No we won’t. Nintendo fans are happy that there might be someone competent running the company now instead of killing it.

No one with any love for Nintendo is sad.