
17 is not old enough to know better. I didn’t get the sense to stop doing stupid shit until I was in my early 20’s. Same with pretty much all my old friends who are still alive and are not in prison for life, or in their own personal prison of drug addiction. We used to rob houses, steal cars, jump people, gangbang,


Ever heard of the boy who cried wolf? Yeah, keep this shit up and people will quit coming to your rescue every time you make shit up.

Dogs of War?

He’s flipping the bird!

This is terrorism.

Everything is terrorism to you people. It’s not terrorism, it’s pulling childish pranks in a way that effects people on a massive scale. Do you even know what the word terror or terrorism means? Get educated, you stupid little shit.

k... ?

Already hysterical over a scenario you made up in your head about how men are out to get you and be awful to you. I don’t know how you can live with everyone out to get you like this all the time about everything! Men don’t give a shit, we masturbate too. And a lot of us are into using toys during masturbation or

Well it is an abomination to the Dragon Age name just like the second, so not really. The first one and its xpac is the only one I still care about.

Talking bad about Bob’s Burgers is fightin’ words. That show is fucking good. Better than most cartoons on TV. Maybe watch it instead of talking trash because the art is too much for you.

Best Handheld Game

They clearly withheld all this from launch to release slowly over time to get the press, but this hurts the people that bought the game because they either have to miss out of it or wait until it’s all out to play the game, which is really shitty. Quit praising fuckery.

I’m sure the localization will fix it or cut it from the game entirely. Now I want to know how long the two games are and if they’re trying to rip us off by having two versions. Is there as much content in each as there was in Awakening, or are they fucking us over?

There’s no one like that on Kotaku except for me, and people usually just bitch at me because they hate facing the truth.

Kotaku is payed by Blizzard to write these articles be they ignorant or stupid. They have to reach their weekly quota even if what they’re writing is false.

I love the original ghouls so much. They were so nutty. Not a fan of Bethesda’s new ghouls who are just boring old people that are ugly.

Critics improve things a lot more than you white knights mindlessly defending everything from criticism. Fucking idiot.

They don’t taste anything alike. And Pepsi tastes flat.

And every time a male character killed a female character feminists would throw fits about the game being sexist. I think it’s safer we just keep it all male so there’s no sexism tantrums nuts demanding everything be censored.