A Caving Ape

It was my 21st birthday. The last thing I remember in the evening was talking with some nice police officers who had pulled me over while I was riding my bike. This was in the next town over. The first thing I remember in the morning was waking up naked in the hallway outside my room. I still don't understand how I

Thank you once again, Jezebel and Jezebel commenters, for some fantastic insight into the world of women.

But what about the floor selector buttons?

in Oregon the bicycling plates are a random 4 letters starting with D or E. The best I've seen are DUUR, EFFU, and DYKH.

Yes, they're all fresh and new, but god damn all three have a beltline higher than my grandfather's.

I'm furiously taking notes over here.

@LucyFlawless: Well, for electronic-ish pop I'd suggest the whole album Body Talk by Robyn. Especially the song Dancing on my Own

@parigote: Up, Simba, by David Foster Wallace

@TimTim: Really? Unless I'm actually on Hawthorne I don't feel like anyone hates me just for driving a car. and I think it's pretty damn cool that people ride their bikes a lot. I know that I try to ride mine as much as possible.

@duckdeux: What. I literally went snowshoeing today with a flask full of scotch. Let me assure you it is as awesome as you think it is.

Hooray! I'll just leave this here:

Wellll it's pretty cloudy here in Portland so probably not much. Too bad though, would have liked to hit up a viewpoint in the Gorge

Can I get a NCOCP on this one here?

@KVHnik: I don't know why but I want this desperately. I'm already planning places to take it.

Wow, I can't believe all the Internet Tough Guys that showed up here in this thread. Yes, it wasn't life-threatening, but you can bet that would be an awful experience.

What a ridiculously good deal. There would be a strong chance of me buying one... if I liked the looks.

@Vhalkyrie: Wow, guess I dodged a bullet then. Thanks.

Late to the party with this one.

"No one is ever going to pay you to sit around and be smart"

@ms.windupbird: I'll be clocking my 11th trip so far this season one night this week... why yes, I am living the dream!