It is September, which means we are firmly in the grasp of Big Pumpkin Spice until at least March. Krispy Kreme has…
It is September, which means we are firmly in the grasp of Big Pumpkin Spice until at least March. Krispy Kreme has…
I’m a 50-something man who, like everybody else, has experienced enormous joy and tragedy in my life. And as I type this I’m sitting in a coffee shop, tears running down my face, for a family I never knew.
Well, at least this case gives us...
Typically, tennis players grunt in order to hit a little harder and mess with the opponent’s perception of the ball.…
There’s a school of thought that says flopping is as much of a skill as anything else that takes place on a court or…
This is a pretty commonly used tactic for emotional abusers (my friend’s husband was fond of it). “I would show you my phone/email/etc., so why won’t you show me yours? If you have nothing to hide, why don’t you want me to see it?”
I do. Asking your SO for access to their phone/email/facebook sounds like a violation of their privacy, and I don’t think you should construe their desire to maintain that privacy as secrecy.
I get what you’re saying in principle, but I don’t think it works in practice. A friend of mine cheated and her husband would demand to go through her phone and email every night, and even go through her purse looking for burners. It was just very dehumanizing and degrading. And the joint Facebook account is a…