A. Barth

I expect this is my last chance to this:

I’ve got some more bad news for you - Torch is gone, too.

How long would you be willing to stay on a sinking ship work for Herb Spanfeller?


I had to check and make sure this wasn’t a previously published article.

Having Raph as an editor taught me early on to save a copy of my work outside the CMS before sending it to my editors.

So probably not coming to Hoovie’s garage then

If I had the money (duh), I’d pop for THE Daytona. To own such a history-making machine.... That would be too cool.

Above all, +1 for the seller. They cleaned the car, took solid pictures, and were very descriptive of all known issues and recent work. NP either way but particularly because of that.

OT, but this is fun:

I have my money on Ponch and Jon.

Pentium? Lays? Chocolate? We need details, man!

I found a bag of chips in my storage shed while getting out my summer tires, not as good as this

Let people make their own decisions on risk.

You missed a big opportunity calling the ‘MSM’ the Lame Stream Media, big smart man.

She will be happy to add more commentary! We had a giggle writing this.

I wondered if there was a word that came after thrice and found this little gem.

Some stray observations:
- this is, in fact, good Jalopnik
- “thrice,” nice.
- I thought I couldn’t love your name more, then I read “Mercy.
- I would very much pay to watch/read/listen to the Marvelous Mechanical Misadventures of Mercedes and Sheryl: a Walk in the Park (to some)

I’m all for electrification. I already own a hybrid, and my next vehicle will be a PHEV or BEV. They’re good for reducing our carbon footprint and even better for weathering the shocks in oil prices like what we’re seeing now.

Someone who first tried fitting it way down (closer to the badge) and then realized that the hood opens forward when the leaper took a chunk of paint out of their bumper