A. Barth

You are teh Roxor!!

Fortunately the carbs and other parts are new, so everything is in good shape (at least for now). Two carbs are easier to wrangle than four, but there’s also a GPz550 waiting for some attention. Fortunately I do have one bike to ride while this other work is (or isn’t) happening.

This joins what is quickly becoming a too-small, too-crowded garage that might be a bit tight for a 20 gallon parts washer.

This weekend? With luck, jetting and installing a pair of Mikuni VM30s on an old Kawasaki twin. Yes, the carbs will have aluminum velocity stacks. I’ll cut a disk out of the UNI filter material to fit over the brass mesh.

Semi-serious question, David: have you considered buying an actual parts washer? I know, cheap bastard, etc. but having the right tool for the job can makes such a difference. And you would certainly get a lot of use out of it.

I am ready to take a short break from resuscitating crap-cans. Instead, I’m turning my attention to beautiful vehicles in my own driveway that need love

spending exuberant amounts of cash on a watch, or a dog

Maybe Chevy can offer these to the old guys instead.

Prius to levels no one ever even thought possible.


Before nose lift systems, what did we all do?

Musk vs. The Monorail is absolutely the transit fight Americans deserve.

bumper aligns with your teeth with nothing coming between you two.

There’s something of an inverse relationship there.

When it causes additional ventilation, it’s rust. When it’s just on the surface, it’s patina.

another factor is the width and the brake caliper configuration.


Exactly. I’d rather not sit through 17:something minutes of exaggerated guffaws just to see a nice car be damaged.

If only the foley crew hadn’t dubbed a two-stroke sound on to John Connor’s Honda XR.

A long, straight highway drive to pick up bulky, clean objects, and then return them home.