A. Barth

Exactly. But good luck getting the union schmucks to acknowledge that.

I don’t know, unfortunately. It’s been around for a while.

Mud is the probably best case scenario.

That’s the most pragmatic option, I guess. “Well, there’s no way I can get him out of that huge hole. Back to my thing.”

Or maybe the seals failed because of the excess oil and the Lincoln created a significant oil slick before imploding or seizing.

Oh, wow...


I think oil comes closer to that than fuel, though, really, both are quite internal and not poured over the engine.

You get a star for the sarcasm.

Here in Kansas where the population density is barely existent

Smart. Ass.

OTOH, there are (I think) seventeen people actively involved in that tire change; everyone is doing his respective job very well and the team is working together.

Pretty sure that’s Lambo, dude.

That’s interesting. I wonder which half gets the title.

I’m surprised it was only 28%.

Fair enough, though I was speaking only in the theoretical. :-)

particularly that there are multiple vials of an intrinsically-singular last breath?

Agreed - they look good on the outside. I test drove one six or seven years ago; it was fine but inside they used a lot of black text on a green background, which I didn’t like for some reason.