Yes, but more maddening. And when they release the new features, they send you an expensive proprietary memory stick with the “update,” which in reality is just an unlock code.
Yes, but more maddening. And when they release the new features, they send you an expensive proprietary memory stick with the “update,” which in reality is just an unlock code.
So like Tesla?
Wait, the Nissan GTR isn’t made by Sony?
If it’s anything like their cinema cameras, they’re gonna sell me a car with a bunch of features built in and then I get to pay them more money at a later date to unlock those features. Also, the AV menu will probably suck.
It looks better than the Lamborghini Urus.......
As a Gen X-er, you’re wrong. We got fucked by the boomers in every way imaginable. We’re tired. Our parents still won’t fucking retire and are still telling us how to vote. We get told we’re stupid for wasting our money on shit that they would never buy or don’t understand. They told us that “you can never lose on…
Boomers: “You kids don’t work these days!”
We have video from the board room... here’s the live feed...
Hello why are you using a picture of a Focus that is impossible to order with said faulty transmission (ST) ?
Can’t tell if you’re crazy or if you’re crazy.
“The fuel maintains..” Maybe you’ve never driven a gas-powered car. They don’t maintain 100% of their range either—they lose approximately 15-20% of their range when the temperature drops to 0C.
“It’ll cost you only 7 cents..” people aren’t charging Model 3s every day at a…
Wow, the one car thats weirder looking than my i3
*because only civillian mouthbreathers think HMVs are armored, and eventhough this film is pure Hollywood, you ignorant, blissful bastards have no clue how real the completely pointless “War on Drugs” is. Please stop confusing Hollywood with reality. You are not qualified, nor are you equipped to know the truth. I had…
This movie is great in the way Zero Dark Thirty is great. All story with only a passing reference to any characters background. The way the “good guys” become the bad guys and the bad guys stay the bad guys was just mesmerizing. I walked out of the theater wondering on who I was supposed to be rooting for. And…
Yea, that’s why Hurley Haywood was in the closet until last year.
Intersting article, important topic. Keep it up, Elizabeth.
Kennedy twisting the knife again. After the awful and illiberal rulings over the past few days, he’s leaving so Trump and nominate another far-right ideologue who serves partisanship far above the law.
Let me correct you sir...You see, he introduced the bill. It did my pass. Why? Because the established Dems cannot keep the House? Why? Because they don’t actually represent their constituents. 99% if his donors come from big money PAC and corporations. As far as Medicare for All is concerned, as someone who’s lad…