
This article is a classical example of absurdity.
Brazilian people love soccer more than religion.To them soccer is a religion. It is not a “black man” liking and being good at sports. It is a Brazilian who loves his country and his religion ( soccer ).

Gabe should run for President. Seems right up his alley considering the terms stop at 2.

Grrrrrr I am masculine hear me roar!

No, he spent a couple hours with a 100+ hour JRPG.

Vindictive asshole. Did that make you feel better?

A dick move.

Oh c’mon, don’t be so reductionist about it. It’s a worthwhile experience if you’re into these kinds of games.

Simple solution: Embrace the darkness, become the roller coaster.

I’m starting to main Reinhardt more these days, paired up with a good Ana, it’s a hell of a team.

And I am stealing that.

They did that. You boost to 100 now.

So edgy.

Reaper lines for Ghost Rider seems like the obvious next move.

...or they’re super obviously teasing a game and know damn well what people will think...

Announcing GTAV blood bank heist in honor of Halloween!

Actually, let’s do it. Send me an e-mail stephentotilo at kotaku dot com. We’ll see how boring you are.

Nah. If he’s involved in something interesting, we’re posting. Here we’ve got a playful way to look at the general pointlessness of pre-ordering video games. It only works because of the scale of his success.