
Except, you know, the fact that all three DLC's were feature rich, incredibly well designed, (much better than the base game) and were well worth the asking price. DLC in it of itself is not a bad thing, it can add upon a great game by including new locations and meaningful gameplay tweaks. And hell, most GOTY

Why would they give you the DLC for free just because a complete edition came out?

Yes, this outrageous behavior of allowing current gen console owners the ability to enjoy the best of last-gen games is truly horrendous. Vote with your wallets, not with your gaming tastes.

You die in the game, you die in real life.

Actually, it's about...


Yes. This strip sort of misses the mark.

Can't you just disable helmets?

Still waiting for this in Wintergrasp....

every time you do words i love you more

I'm so glad you were able to come up with a comment

Well this is an awkward time for me...

I always love stuff like this, especially in TF2. Makes me almost want to reinstall it.

God bless the modding community.

The ques are total BS.... I know more people are playing but cmon, i log on as servers come on and its already at a 4000 man que? There was NEVER a que this bad on any relems during ANY dumb expansion they had. The 2nd worst relsese was Burning Crusade, it was the best EXP but the opening was terrible, lag everywhere,

Because P3MC is awesome, duh. And with Arena, Ultimax, and both P4 animes, Yu is someone we're used to talking and having a personality. He can serve his purpose as a separate individual character from being the player character. It's why I'm picking the P3MC the first run through. Just makes more sense to me.

It's typical modern Persona music.

It's good, but it's no baby baby baby, Jason :P