
Maybe comedians should stop hiding behind "it's just comedy!"

There are other ways in being funny than insulting people.

weird how when it's conan pointing out the dumb awful shit in videogames everyone else takes for granted he's not flooded with death threats

Similar to The Simpsons, there seems to be an XKCD for everything.

I wonder how many angry e-mails Budlight with Lime and Prescott Pharmaceuticals are gonna get this week.

This and Shadow of Mordor..the big "anticipated" games have so far been overhyped and falling short of unfair expectations.

Oh yeah referencing the Ring movie totally relates to masturbation.

Dude, you have a problem. You have masturbation on the brain. I recommend abstinence. Try going without doing it or thinking about it for a week? Umm too long? ok a day.

If you'd bother to read the next, oh, twenty words, you'd clearly see that's not the joke they're going for.

There's... no masturbation joke here. It's about the Kinect being a tool of evil and black magic.

False. I was making a masturbation joke.

Are you sure it's not a "seeing into the afterlife to talk with Grandma" joke, like it seems to be? It's pretty well veiled, if it's a joke about the XBox seeing you masturbate. Do you see masturbation jokes everywhere? Am I making one now?

What I don't get is the whole misogyny element. You'd think a whole bunch of (presumably) single males would be glad with more female gamers. I know I certainly would be.

Aren't you a special little snowflake?

Today on Kotaku; a commenter overreacts to an insane level in an astonishing display of hyperbole.

More at 11.

My temper and tendency to use twitter to vent has been a consistent problem since I entered the games industry, and I just can't do it. I don't have the willpower necessary to be the "face" of a company. If I do continue to work in games it'll be as an anonymous 1 of 1000 at some shitty corporation, not the most

What an asshole.