
And men are REALLY bad with judging a woman’s weight. I mean really bad.

And this is why, as a graphic designer, I absolutely refuse to design anything wedding related. Getting married seems to bring out the absolute worst in people.

I used to be a carney but my thing was running the little games where you get ripped off aka a “jointie”. The guys who assemble rides are “ride jockeys” among other names. Every time they would reassemble a ride they ended up with different left over parts than the last time. You are a goddamn fool if you get on a

The reward for information about 4 escaped convicts is $500? I don’t think you could get a kindergartner to turn in a fellow child for that measly amount.

Maxine is 78. She has zero fucks left to give and she is not putting up with this shit.

I had this thought at first. She could have done the same thing auto or manual, but if it weren’t a manual transmission she would have been in the back seat or trunk rather than driving because the kidnappers would have been able to drive it.

This story makes me sick. Seriously, what a truly fucked up thing. Imagine, as a man—which constitutes the bulk of readers here—the mind-blowingly scary scenario of being help at gunpoint and told that not only are they gonna steal all your money, they’re gonna rape you as well, all the while insinuating you won’t die

Seriously, if she’s willing to do it for free, why not hook her up with a kinja blog?

Maybe no one wants to have sex with you because you call your ex things like “bitch queen of the universe.” Every guy I’ve ever met who says “my ex is so crazy!” actually means “I wasn’t interested in trying to meet her needs so I cast them as unreasonable so I’d be off the hook. So crazy, amirite?”

I hate entitled white people, but I also hate noise, so this story is very challenging for me.

There is a recognizable pattern of women saying something like “I’m tired of men cat-calling me” and then men, instead of saying, “That sucks. I’m going to intervene when I see it.” go “NOT ALL MEN DO THAT!”

How do you, a man, find that at all relevant to this article?

You are being incredibly disingenuous. Casey Anthony is not a ‘non woman’ of course but men are more likely to commit violent crime. This is a fact.

So why have men, since the beginning of time, been the perpetrators of violence?

Even if women are as violent, men still have more social power and are typically larger and stronger than women. They are generally a bigger threat to women than we are to them.

It’s actually much safer for both the cats and the local wildlife if cats are kept inside, and cats can live perfectly healthy and much longer lives if they are kept inside. Not only is the risk of a cat being injured or killed very high if they are outside (I see a dead cat that’s been run over almost weekly in my

Ah yes. He’s mad that trucks are parked in front of his property. The logical action is to render them immobile.

One of the authors featured has gone so far as to try on a bra so he didn’t make any obvious mistakes that might throw female readers out of the story. 

I don’t judge people who eat octopus, but I usually avoid them for those reasons.

Please do not eat cephalopods like octopus or squid, they are far too close to the sapiency line. They are definitely self aware and able to process information at least as well as middle era hominids.