The face thing could be Lyme.
The face thing could be Lyme.
I’ve lost a few people to lung cancer, which is scary shit, but nothing scares me more than dementia, especially early-onset.
I would think she’d be notorious for using the table cloth as a wrap. Do they let her use the extra tablecloths? Or does she sneak them? Because that is really impressive customer service, sacrificing a table cloth to keep somebody warm.
At home, soaking your feet in hot water helps, too. And is so relaxing.
There is such a thing as good quality women’s clothing. Especially affordable if they like vintage stuff.
Mini stair-steppers for under the table and a free dessert (not frozen).
When I was a nerdy kid, I looked up dust, what it’s made of, why it’s all over, etc. If you want to be grossed out, think about what’s in dust and how much of it you’re inhaling and eating. Hint: some, but not all, is old human skin cells.
The loose cough drops thing made me laugh. Who is this person who gave out loose cough drops? A complete Scrooge? Give out the whole packet, if anything. Or, a harried, at-the-end-of-his-rope Dad (and you know it was a Dad) frantically counting household items containing sugar as gangs of costumed kids besieged his…
I think a bit lower. He almost died, had several surgeries and a long recovery, well over a year.
Poetic license?
About 28% of white women voted Republican in 2016, many elderly. Almost half, many young, didn’t vote at all.
The rebar thing actually happened to a friend of mine. He then drove himself to the hospital, which took probably 20 minutes. Otherwise, I would have called bullshit, too.
Cue Daryl’s complete conversion to Rick’s way of thinking out of sheer guilt. I mean, how else to react to killing off TWO main characters. We’ll see him torn between guilt over Glenn and guilt over Rick, but I think the more recent guilt will win. We’ll see him oppose the bloodthirsty Maggie. Negan, unfortunately,…
Just thoughts and prayers. Which are so comforting when your electricity gets turned off for nonpayment.
Man, I love when there is a cop right there. Somebody coming out of a parking lot cut me off on the road so bad that I had to slam my brakes on. Nice patrol car made a u-turn and pulled him over. Made my day.
Imagine what the drugs would be like, based on how bad the food is. I can see the Yelp ratings now.
$60,000 for a toga worn by Captain Kirk??? How much would the Gorn suit go for?
You pay for your own drugs.
Dove has amazing milk chocolate. The chocolate-covered cashews with sea salt are the best!
Most holidays, people are drunk and would rather steal a car and risk jail than deal with their families. Halloween, people are drunk and in disguise.