
Does anyone even visualize that dead television color any more? Another thing gone.

It’s amazing that there even needed to be a study about this. Of course good food is better for you.

Is anybody going to ask what he was doing in Ann Arbor. Which, btw, is a good name to put on your Starbucks cup in any other city.

You don’t disagree, so why are you disagreeing? Because a young woman of color has the nerve not to represent your experience. Please, pull your head out of your navel? ass? and understand, finally, that people who are not you and not like you have the right to talk about their experiences and the experiences of

I like seeing what I’m buying, and the sales that often don’t show up on the website. I like that my local Target has a grocery section with a nice, if small, selection of items. And, no cardboard boxes to dispose of.

Ashley isn’t under any obligation to present every single possible permutation of domestic workers’ experiences. She wrote a short piece about a largely oppressed group. Whether you agree they were oppressed or not, they were. Working without health insurance or social security or paid time off or pensions is

Brita filters come to mind. A few other things I can’t think of right now.

I’ve also noticed that things can be drastically cheaper at my local Target.

I got a whole box of stuff that way, vitamins, cosmetics, books, etc. Only I didn’t really want two of everything.

Geez, how many books did you order? I ordered tons of books and no mug. :(

It means they will ship it whenever they feel like it and you will get it before you would have gotten it if you had not paid the $99 for Prime, but not in two days, because they already have your money, nyah nyah, and if you don’t want to pony up, you can wait two weeks for the free shipping that only cheap bastards

Crawfish equivalent of firing squad.

He can probably get shell jaundice or something equally gross.

In unrelated questions, why does everyone say “gifted” instead of “gave” now?

The only one that sounds ok is the avocado, egg, feta and onion. I’d add olives.

Everyone splits checks individually where I live, too. Or almost everyone. There are so many people who drink/don’t drink, eat gluten/no gluten, eat meat/no meat, have money/less money that if we go out in a big group, the individual totals will vary by a large amount, and, most importantly, it’s always the same


Porn is a huge problem with getting men into good sex for women. It’s all about the male gaze. It doesn’t emphasize consent, and it sure as hell doesn’t emphasize doing WHAT SHE’S INTO, rather than what they can plead/cry/manipulate her into consenting to. A lot of men now think anal is compulsory, along with

This is a huge problem and one we should probably be treating, not enabling. I had a bf into BDSM. Huge turnoff that he wanted me to seem not to be into it. There are a lot of immature/unevolved/damn stupid men out there. They don’t even realize that the women are doing these films for money.

And rough sex, too. All this porn does is change the “normal” for stupid het men. I can’t tell you how many young guys now think face fucking, hair pulling and slapping are ok in general. There needs to be a disclaimer, at the very least. Most women I know are not into it.