
Although fitness doesn’t require gym time. Outdoor activities are my preference, with some yoga/exercise machine time. Still, lot more work than people realize to stay fit even without looking like a gym bunny. So many things we lose the opportunity to teach in schools. Nutrition and health should be much more of a

Someone please send this information to that twit Streisand.

Yeah, I agree with you. The amount of exercise it takes to make a dent is shocking to some people. One yoga class a week isn’t going to do it. You need vigorous activity, not just brisk walking, five days a week. No carbs after 1 pm is also my rule, except I sometimes make it 2 or 3 pm. Very few refined carbs ever.

I would think it would be confusing to have an identical-looking dog that was a completely different being/personality. Just get another dog of the same kind.

Because they know what they should be doing but they do what they want, regardless.

Pizza is a perfect food.

I don’t think mine has a baking powder/quick bread setting.

It doesn’t come out like a quick bread on mine, though. It’s like a regular loaf.

It has that setting, but I have never used it.

I wish they would bring back that tiger. Maybe as a zombie.

Man, I hope they kill Negan. He is one annoying mfer. If Carl’s death is good for anything, it will be to push Rick into another crisis where he sees dead people (like his wife) and almost loses his mind. Or maybe loses it entirely, and with Morgan gone, the show becomes the Carol and Daryl hour.

Wait, wait. It could have been Advil.

It must be that the processing time is longer for reduced fat milk. So it’s older when you get it.

Nah, it’s only fine by the use by date if unopened. If you need to hold onto it for more than 7 days after opening, freeze it, either in a single container or as ice cubes that can be kept in a plastic bag and added to things as needed.

Mine has a 2-hour rush setting. Comes out fine.

Get a bread machine and make a small loaf the size of a half-loaf. It’s cheaper, too. The bread machine will pay for itself in no time.

I’ve had spoiled milk. I think the risks are overstated, unless it is VERY spoiled. It just tastes yogurty.

I was with you all through the comment and then I got to, “just go ahead and kill yourself,” and I had to take my hat off to you. Yes, what have these poor bastards been eating, and why are they still among us?

I was going to suggest foonies.

Are you sure she didn’t poison him?