Well I brought this upon myself. All of you are right in your own way, yes swearing is afterall JUST a word, and I'll go out in the limb here an assume we're all adults, or at least old enough not to tell on each other.
Well I brought this upon myself. All of you are right in your own way, yes swearing is afterall JUST a word, and I'll go out in the limb here an assume we're all adults, or at least old enough not to tell on each other.
I grew tired of reading this post, even though I love stuff like this I find I had to go look for my own research because I got so "F&%*ing" tired of the un-needed swearing... I'm slowly beginning to not like gawker media because of its writers not being able to write properly.
There are some ATM's here in the UK that have inverted card slots with holographic stickers. The holographic sticker is similar to that on british money - the little silver sticker that shines in the light.
Keep up Kotaku... Surfing has been around on many different source games for years..
I really like the look of it. I'd like to see a version with LEDs or thin ropelights to make it glow slightly.
When I was young it was Frazmac - my full name is Frazer MacDonald
Been a big fan of Shwiggan for some time and even I didn't see this coming to pop up in my sub box. It was a lovely surprise however.
Thanks , Whitson (and everyone else) who replied. I'm going to take a look at "everything" as Walternate suggested, then take a look at some tweaks for the windows search. Maybe I'll send a few tips in.
I'm looking for a spotlight alternative for Windows. Tried google but I can't find anything very good. Has anyone got any recommendations?
Me too!
forgot about that. Ah well. Better luck next time.
This would be brilliant for when I move to Australia. My partner lives in Adelaide two minutes from the beach, when we visit the beach in the morning and head back in the afternoon we tend to walk barefoot back to the house. One of these on the front porch would be very handy.
When I went to London I stayed in a hostel just near a main tube station at Russel Square. The station had a staircase that had 175 steps in a tight tight spiral. I challenged my friend to a race running UP the stairs.
If this happens - I'll stop playing Draw Something.
Whenever I see a post like this - I imagine as the plane flies low and close Love Shack by the B-52's fades in and gets louder the closer it gets. I can't be the only one that thinks this..
Wow, sorry for the late reply. My laptop has a setting in the BIOS to have a bootup at a particular time on a particular day. So I could deactivate it on weekends and stuff.
I still think buckets of boiling hot tar or oil is the way to go...
No problem, I've bookmarked your podcast, can't wait to start listening :)
It posts exactly what you want it to. You can specify exactly what you want it to say and include the content you want it to using the handy tags it gives you. There is no advertising, no unprompted messages or anything. Lifehacker did a post on it not too long ago which got me using it. It works fantastically for me…
I have a similar system on my site. ([onlightmedia.com]) using If This Then That ([ifttt.com]) Whenever I upload a video to my vimeo channel, it posts the link to my twitter, google+, and then creates a blog post on my website with an embed code.