I know Nintendo and Sega have been pals for a while now, but having grown up in the "SNES vs Genesis" era, it still seems surreal to me. That image of Sonic and Mario being buddies gives me chills, in a good way.
I know Nintendo and Sega have been pals for a while now, but having grown up in the "SNES vs Genesis" era, it still seems surreal to me. That image of Sonic and Mario being buddies gives me chills, in a good way.
Only two posts in, and this is one of my favorite threads that I've ever seen.
As much as I (or any properly functioning human) abhor this type of intolerance, I can't help but feel a good deal of anger towards the type of person who would start something like this.
My glasses are just fine, thank you.
Nobody does sexy robots better than Björk.
This looks fantastic! Just from the screens, I'm getting a Mega Man vibe from it, with a good helping of Kingdom Hearts.
GameCube was November 19th, and Wii was November 18th, so this seems plausible to me. Nintendo has always been fairly predictable with its console and handheld release patterns.
S-Foils in attack position, indeed.
Oh my... that sexy Ness. That sexiness!
Yes, EA has been guilty of a handful of transgressions, both against its employees and its consumers. While the employee-related concerns are legitimate, items like DRM and a game with a challenging ending cinematic do not make them a worse company than BoA or Paypal.
I have a t-shirt with that slogan on it, and a picture of the original prototype DS. I almost never wear it, for fear of somehow ruining such a marvelous piece.
I can't help but suspect that a good number of anti-EA votes came from babies upset about Mass Effect 3's ending.
Around 12:50, do I hear the music from "Bugs Bunny's Birthday Blowout" on NES? Huge points for that.
Hope the soundtrack has some Captain Dan.
For me, no slogan will ever top Nintendo's "Play it Loud!" campaign. Seeing those words sends me right back to the mid-90's, the era in gaming that has shaped my love for the medium ever since.
I can relate to these people. Seeing these, I feel like I'm not alone!
I know I'm not the only one who can't stand Morrissey and/or the Smiths. Sure, they were making emo music before that was a "thing," but is that something to be proud of?
Nice! I work for a comic store chain in New England, and I noticed months ago that our office had placed an order for a small handful of these. Now I just have to make sure that my store gets one whenever they finally come in!
Forgive me for being rude, but you come across as an ass here. Sarcasm doesn't qualify as productive discussion. If you have nothing to contribute, don't try to.
I guess Astro Boy scorching Lady Liberty with his jets is a pretty obtuse example.