@Luis Garcia Ramirez: I see you have many opinions. Others do, as well, and they're not always compatible with yours.
@Luis Garcia Ramirez: I see you have many opinions. Others do, as well, and they're not always compatible with yours.
This guy basically Platinum'd the PS3 itself in my book.
@Brotha Kyo: Henshin a Go Go Baby~: +1 for the Futurama reference, and an additional +1 for changing it up. Two hit combo!
@yaya-d: Oops...well, now I kind of feel like a dick! Apologies, friend!
My favorite thing to see would be Nintendo vs Capcom. Capcom's cast of Versus regulars against the Smash Bros cast would make my life complete.
@alex339: I assumed it had something to do with that Speed Racer game that came out along with the movie, which likely resulted in some other company holding game rights to the character for the time being.
It's just insulting that they would expect people believe that. It was obvious the moment they revealed their "points" system that it was meant to be misleading, so it would be nice if they'd at least be honest about it. If not that, then at least not lie about it.
This game better have a rapping Metal Gear or I'm not buying it.
@yaya-d: "Out of context" means looking at the statement on its own, without taking into consideration the rest of the discussion. In this case, you simply say that you "didn't like paradise". If someone didn't know you were referring to a video game, it would just come across as you saying you weren't satisfied with…
@ChunkAhoy: Well, you could always send them a check for the other $13. I'm sure they wouldn't mind :3
@rjdj_01: Only 160 hours on Pokémon Diamond? That's nowhere near enough time to have caught 'em all! Get back to work, mister!
@yaya-d: That sentence, taken out of context, paints a picture of the most difficult-to-please person in the universe.
This looks pretty damn good, in my opinion. I think that the "bouncing" effect in the real car is exaggerated by the fact that we're seeing it through the eyes of a mounted camera that's bound to shake somewhat.
Yep! I'm pretty excited for this game, actually. I love me some Mario Kart, so I'm looking forward to seeing Sega's take on the genre. Plus, I'm picking it up for PS3, so it'll be nice to do some high-def karting.
@lionkitten: I know that. But it's important to be an informed consumer, especially in regards to a relatively large and/or significant purchase like a game console. Someone whose job entails research should understand that.
@lionkitten: No, nobody expects a professional writer to be "all-knowing", but their job does usually entail some research. It's not unreasonable to expect he'd have looked into the Wii and its accessories a bit before making a purchase. In the article, he even makes a tongue-in-cheek jab at himself acknowledging…
@Xaero_Dumort: Yes, you did. And we're all very angry at you.
@lionkitten: You make a good point. I think that in general, people who are very knowledgeable on a subject can be quick to forget that their expertise isn't actually common knowledge.
Luigi's Mansion would definitely be a great pick for the New Play Control series. Metroid Prime and Pikmin were very nicely refreshed by the new controls and slight graphical tune-up, so I'm very excited at the prospect of playing Luigi's Mansion on Wii.
@DJsupremacy: I agree. beetles Rock band was definitely an fail. It made me want to be an Guitar Hero.