
@gamerking128: I did not, this makes more sense now. Thanks.

Former WoW player here, I was talking to my friend who started playing right before Wolk came out (I quit right before Wolk) and he was telling me that Cataclysm actually brought the game back to its senses and I am thinking about starting again. I was watching some Catacalysm Beta videos a while back and saw that a

I don't think that 2/3 of New York was destroyed in 9/11. Maybe its just me but If the map is correct then most of the game could take place in the desert and that does not sound too appealing to me. Maybe I am missing something.

The success of WoW has led to many people trying to follow in the MMO wake, leading to many awful MMO's and perhaps even what led to WoW's downfall with Wrath of the Lich King; leading to its reform with Cataclysm. I really don't think we want another dead MMO, do we?

@BubbaZanetti: I dont have to see anything high. I just saw it sober again and liked it just as much.

Saw it high as balls (breaking in the new Beezy) in IMAX 3D. We got there late though so we had to sit in the very front row. Should have known we shouldn't have seen it smack dab in the middle of suburbia. Was a really cool movie though, I did get bothered by the comedic relief and the cliche hero lines but I think

@Daminshi: Obviously, you haven't seen the beauty of Minecraft yet. Maybe try some exploring or crafting, maybe play the game for a little AND just maybe after all that you might be able craft a fucking clue.

@Garlador: Yes, because two guest appearences constitute EVERY game.

The only fitting guest character I can think of. Better than a sissy superman who can barely even bleed.

Glados: Well done, you have now reached the fina tes-

Good thing he cant steal any PS3 games.

I watched the video, I haven't the slightest on what is going on.

@gemcosta: John Stewart? I think that would be cool but I would prefer him to be played by Laurence Fishburne (Dude who played Morpheus in the Matrix).

I really hope they improve the cgi, the suit is kinda bad.,

Why should capitalizing on ignorance be illegal? I call it brilliant.

So Episode 3 is going to be an RTS?