
I loved all the cosplay, especially the TF2 ones. Where is the PAX located?

How about a NEW Shadow of the Colossus instead, HMMM?

He did shoot first!

If I survived a plane crash, I am pretty sure I wouldn't do ANYTHING to tempt Death again. Apparently DJ AM didn't get the message.

I can tell already that this game is gonna be flooded by the mass amounts of prepubescents who want to be 1337 jedi. Pretty much a mass unbalance of classes and nobody will get anything done.

Does the sensor allow crouching in real life to be transferred to the game? But, If you have to walk to move your character, wont you eventually run into a wall?

I just applied to work at Spencers gift shop at my local Westfield mall. Mainly with nerdy intent, with the extra money I make(while juggling school) I hope to buy some warhammer figures, anime figures, PS3 slim and pretty much anything else that gives me a hard-on.

Do we really need to obsess over how much quicker we can load a dvd? Because If you are short on time, you shouldn't be watching a dvd in the first place.

I hated City of Heroes...So much...

Be polite, be efficient,Have a plan to kill everyone you meet.

Blizzard only releases games when they know they are ready, how many countless games in the past have we seen rushed? Most of them end up without the content that needs to be there or just ending way too quickly. Blizzard does not want this to happen. They are thinking about you the player and you guys should be happy

Cant help but think of..

I will be buying one, although I am going to miss the sleek look of the older model. I also could have used the linux ready feature but hey, you cant have everything for 300 bucks.