
Say what you want about his style but he's been known to be a really nice guy and he does a lot for charities and such. Just because you don't like his videos doesn't make him an asshole. Direct your anger to Westboro or some other asshats like that.

There are a few mobile games that utilize it properly. Device 6 is probably my favorite mobile game because it's so unique and engaging and I don't see it being on any other platform. But I do agree to a certain extent, Mobile games won't hold me over like 3DS/Vita games would.

I agree, but people will always remember the worst aspects. One bad apple ruins the bunch.

I don't anyone who makes fun of people for playing games anymore. Everyone plays now with such a huge casual market out there. But people can always be made fun of for liking something a lot.

Just like they bought Homeland. Look how well that worked out.

Better buy Crysis now because Crytek will probably be dead in a year from the look of things.

They do this in my city in Florida. First time I went to Gamestop when I moved here it caught me off guard.

How do magnets work?

Actually I misread your comment, my bad.

What you meant to say was too smart to be juggalos.

At least the MLP group has some things going for them (art style, jokes, music, etc.) ICP has virtually nothing going for them.

Haha, you're telling me

At least they live up to the name by having all Digimon and not crossing over from other properties...

Is that a licensed song? It seems way too badass to be made just for a Digimon game.

Well in this case it was advertised as already having it but it wasn't available at release, so people are pissed.

Destiny is destiny.

have you played device 6? One of the coolest games I've played on a mobile device. It's a puzzle/mystery novel game that requires you to really listen and pay attention to solve the puzzles. You feel really accomplished when you complete a section.

have you played device 6? One of the coolest games I've played on a mobile device. It's a puzzle/mystery novel game that requires you to really listen and pay attention to solve the puzzles. You feel really accomplished when you complete a section.

You mean this atrocity?