How did you find out that your ancestor was Edward Teach?
How did you find out that your ancestor was Edward Teach?
Looks at all those PS deals compared to Xbox. Damn that's disappointing.
In a "it's so bad it's good" sorta way, yes.
I'm going out on a limb by saying the online is going to be complete shit for a solid week just like every Battlefield, and just like every EA game I've ever played at launch. And by going out on a limb I mean I guaran-fucking-tee it's going to happen.
One of my favorite games is made by One Man Left called Outwitters. It's essentially a turn based strategy game like FF Tactics or Fire Emblem with asynchronous multiplayer. It's awesome playing against other people and constantly being challenged. And the best part, it's F2P. You can buy different maps and "races"…
They should have totally made this a real pokemon by now. A man made pokemon akin to Porygon or Mewtwo.
So I'm a returning Pokemon player (last I played was Ruby/Sapphire) and I just got a Pokemon with Pokerus through Wonder Trade. After researching it, I'm still not quite sure what I should do to benefit me and other players with it. Suggestions?
I HATE the constant repeating sounds of pokemon. Whoever thought that the natural sounds of pokemon should be them repeating their names every two seconds should never be given a creative choice again. And this is coming from someone who lived pokemon during his childhood.
I HATE the constant repeating sounds of pokemon. Whoever thought that the natural sounds of pokemon should be them repeating their names every two seconds should never be given a creative choice again. And this is coming from someone who lived pokemon during his childhood.
I traded a random level 3 caterpie from Japan and got a level 39 Jynx... I felt so bad for the receiver.
Talk to everybody - Seriously this is a great tip. I started in the beginning and I've gotten so much stuff just from NPCs giving me things. Also, a trainer wanted to trade me a Steelix for my Luvdisk I caught for the hell of it. How awesome!
It was an interesting game... Until you ran from giant mystical bugs during the office scene. Then it just went to complete shit.
It was an interesting game... Until you ran from giant mystical bugs during the office scene. Then it just went to complete shit.
I played Heavy Rain before I knew of the clusterfuck that is Indigo Prophecy. From the plot details, it looks like Cage can finally make a game that knows its ridiculous from the start.
Soonest to furthest away:
You guys should include GTA Online on Tuesday. It's basically a game all on its own.
So watching that tutorial video taught me two awesome things:
Watching entertainment that has "deeper" meaning doesn't make you more mature than others. People have different tastes and interests. It's not because you were more mature than others, it's what you were conditioned to enjoy as a kid.
Well the mature rating for games is 17+ and I was a junior in high school at that age. I'd be pissed if my parents tried to tell me you can't play this game even though I can buy it legit from any store.
Don't drive drunk in a Comet, you'll probably die.