The biggest problem I've had: Having the dialog prompt button the same as attack/pickup item. I can't tell you how many times I've hit (A) when trying to pick up loot and a character starts talking and I skip all the dialog.
The biggest problem I've had: Having the dialog prompt button the same as attack/pickup item. I can't tell you how many times I've hit (A) when trying to pick up loot and a character starts talking and I skip all the dialog.
Again, what is that Last of Us free season pass link? It doesn't work at all.
Except that they do it for a good reason. The fastest woman will never be as fast as the fastest man. The strongest woman will never be as strong as the strongest man. Etc.
Nintendo should totally make a 4-player action adventure co-op game with Nintendo characters. It could even be a spin-off from Super Smash Bros. You could have Mario, Link, Pikachu, and Samus as the 4 characters, and it would be an action type brawler where you travel to each characters world and fight (insert plot…
I was interested in this game until I saw actual gameplay. It looks like it would get boring after an hour just doing the same 2 attacks over and over again.
I don't think the Last of Us free season pass is working. How is that even available?
I always watch the review versus reading it because I can actually see what they're talking about and pretty much the entire GT review it showed janky-ass controls, glitches, and unpolished content.
I'm pretty excited to play Diablo 3, as I'm not a PC gamer. It looks pretty optimized for consoles, almost as if they already planned it out when they released the PC version. I know everyone and their mother seems to hate it after playing it.
You know Kickstarter has different tiers of rewards right? If you donate $20, you get the digital version of the game. If you donate $60 you get a physical copy with special game manual and in-game character. You're basically pre-ordering the game with donating.
I think it was just a knee jerk reaction to the style and tone of the game. I always loved the game even though I only got a fourth of the way through it.
Yeah I agree, I feel like they've put so much time and effort into this game to just "jump" onto the next-gen. If they wanted to go to next gen I think they would have already announced it, like many other games have when they got delayed this year.
Same with Eminem. His songs have been with the CoD games since Black Ops, and he revealed the first single of his new album with the CoD Ghosts trailer during the MP reveal.
I've been saying this for a long time, but they really need to create a separate game for zombies mode. They already create varying experiences per expansion pack, I could only imagine what they could make if they had a full budget for a spin-off game.
I would have to disagree. MS got worried about their console because of the pre-order numbers, not because of the backlash. MS are kings of doing whatever they want and forcing people to accept their change, but this time they could clearly see they weren't going to force anyone because people spoke with their…
The Fable reveal was pretty disappointing. Then again, they've been disappointing me since Fable 2. I don't like the linear, non-customizable direction they went with the game. I hope this is just a spin-off and not meant to be taken as the successor to Fable 3. I would have much rather got the rumored Fable MMO, or…
That image looks like the traditional behind the shoulder view the pokemon RPG's have always had. I doubt it's a fighting game like Street Fighter, but more like a Pokemon Stadium-esque game... which no one is really asking for.
"Why are they being so vague? Why mislead the public like this?"
Yeah I get that too. I feel that if they just amped up their PR and marketing and really explained what they were trying to do they might not have had to backtrack.
Yeah I get that they're responding to feedback, and I commend them for it. But the fact they tried to do things that a majority of people didn't like, and continued to do so until they caved in blows my mind. Now the entire console is based on a bunch of backtracking, instead of either A.) sticking to their original…
I'm convinced they don't know what the hell they're doing. They've backtracked on practically everything for the Xbox One. They just need to hire a bunch of people who actually buy and play games to tell them "This is what we want out of a next-gen console."