
There was a part in GTA4 where you hotboxed with the jamaican guy. You couldn't do it whenever you wanted, but it was still there.

Yeah I wouldn't call them minor. The Director's Cut addressed the combat by making the enemies super easy to kill and you have unlimited ammo for your gun... there goes all horror aspect of the game out the window. You can also run past basically every enemy in the game with ease. The frame rate drops significantly

I don't know. The mechanics look so bad. Being interesting only goes so far, I do have to actually play the game and if I can't even tolerate moving my character, why even bother?

The mechanics/controls are terrible, the story is so strange and nonsensical, the voice acting is pretty bad, and the main character... oh god. From the start he's openly talking to "Zach" outloud and in front of everybody, and he just looks like a deviant. When I watched a Let's Play to see what this game was about I

So is it some fad to say Deadly Premonition was good? That game looks absolutely terrible...

For a game touting the ability to fight various Kaiju, we sure didn't see any Kaiju.

Or because they wanted to protect their product? Halo has had a very good track record and the game series is critically acclaimed. Making a bad movie could be harmful to their image. They obviously didn't like where it was going and like the article said, they had major creative differences between Jackson and Bungie.

I just want a street shark neighbor. That would be hype as shit...

The in game DLC list says the Psycho pack is 400MSP, but when you go to purchase it, it's listed as 800MSP. Must be a glitch.

What DLC is on sale for Borderlands 2 on XBL?

Except back in the day when they regulated roaming charges with cell phones, which in turn created more competition between companies vying for customers, which in turn led to the cellular service we have today.

A majority of people don't want an all download console because US internet is some shit. Once we get on the level of Asian and European nations, then we (US speaking) can consider it. Until then, people can't download all these games when they have a bullshit data cap. A government regulation needs to happen.

"This is the internet"

From the small amount of story details I've seen, Aiden is searching for his sister who I assume was abducted by the "bad guys"

I believe the story is the original planet has a food crisis so they send these three to the planet to gather food. I'm pretty sure it's the same planet, and I even think one of the characters is Olimar's son. I'm not 100% sure though.

And a joke from Mitch Hedburg: "In America we don't have a 13th floor because it's unlucky. For those of you who live on the 14th, you know what floor you're really on."

Individual characters cost around $12, while level playsets cost $30. And the actual game costs around $80.

People cry and whine for Jon to make more JonTron.

With the amount of buzz this series has, I'm surprised this game hasn't gotten a modern sequel. I'm sure after the success of the VC version on the WiiU, Nintendo will realize that a lot of US gamers like this series.