
I think everyone who thinks games would be cheaper are just being naive. MS and Sony have no one to compete with in the digital market. You can only download games through the console, therefor MS and Sony will make the prices as high as possible because it's the only avenue to use. Steam has to compete with GoG,

Everybody pronounces Ubisoft wrong, even the public face and host Aiysha...

Yeah I don't think they would do that. It's bad enough that nobody even owns the Xb1 and there was outrage, but do something like that when everyone already has one, they'd be fucked.

Hey Jesus, I would be honored to have you walk among me and my anthropomorphic friends 0791-1864-2421

Mine is such a clusterfuck. I have a bunch of Nintendo items and random non-matching furniture. I'm sure I could sort it out if I time traveled, but then I wouldn't be playing this game for the next year.

KH3 and FF15 are on Xbox One also. And hell, MS showed MGS5 and Dark Souls 2 at E3 during their conference.

Yeah I totally agree, but you should at least make it something people are going to download.

Steel Diver...

Well the majority of players you play with online aren't pro's, so it's no good to me.

XB1 uses disks. It isn't an entirely digital platform. As long as I have a physical item, I should be able to do whatever I want with it and not be told how to use it.

Sorry, I thought you were referring to Animal Crossing being the violent game.

Now playing

The dog was a double agent all along... WHAT A TWIST!

Whenever developers say that you'll be pushing your enemies towards specific areas and "fight for control" of a certain part of the map, I wonder, do they even play their own game? Every time I play it's a clusterfuck of action everywhere. There's no flow, no direction, just crazy random moments all over the map.

Do you know what Animal Crossing is?

Yeah I obviously didn't mean it, but it's a TV monitor robot with no anthropomorphous features... come on. Especially since it wasn't direct unlike these posts which literally say "I'm going to kill you" and have a bloody axe.

I drew a picture of Monita from Nintendoland locked in a closet tied up with tape over her mouth (for those of you who haven't played it, she's the guide robot who talks wayyyyyyy too much and bombards you with tutorials) on the Miiverse back when it released. A couple hours later moderators deleted my post and warned

Yeah I don't care what anybody says, nothing will convince me that the servers will be perfect day 1 or forever. I like to believe that they got it covered because the shitstorm that would create if people couldn't use their $500+ gaming console for anything day 1...

Except that this is, what, the 8th year of the 360 being out? They've had a lot of time to iron it out. But the main point is that Xbox Live servers won't just be a service that people can log into, literally every console sold will be on Xbox Live. I can imagine that being very stressing on the servers.

Soldiers can only use monitored internet from secure locations for video calls, email, and online banking (for those serving in Iraq/Afghanistan). You'll never see anyone playing CoD online over there and then say "Hey guys I have to go, our FOB is being mortar struck like what just happened last match."

How is Spark any different from the stuff you can do in Littlebigplanet? It just looks like an Xbox version.