
I knew these looked suspicious, but you had me going until the Duke Nukem one. Your photoshop game is on point today.

Im not sure if Double XP is trying to make me sad or laugh.

Yes, EVERY WEEK! Whichever intern you have tasked with “this week in the business” needs to git gud and learn 2 copypaste URLs.

Because whoever writes these things apparently thinks ‘Kotaku.com/”http://www.website.com”’ is a valid way to write a link. I’m wondering if, because the author (to my knowledge) doesn’t write any other articles than this one, that the whole ‘This Week In Business’ is a template they set up for him so he has to do

Why do the links on these articles never work?

Because people have been playing it for years, and it’s a fun game.

Fair enough, though when it launched it was $60 and very short on content.

Short on content is no problem for me if it’s free.

AAA in the games industry relates to how much money is spent on marketing, not quality/end ratings.

Here, here.

It’s almost as if people will play your game if you don’t attempt to nickel-and-dime them.

People just gravitate to free stuff. I was thinking this when the private wow server got shutdown and was like “we have xx million accounts! Blizz would make$$ off vanilla servers” and I’m thinking like yea right they would be lucky if 5% of players coughed up the cash

More like:

I’d rather play TF2.

I prefer the flexibility and playstyle choice that TF2 offers with it’s loadout system and variety of weapons, whereas Overwatch forces you to play one playstyle per character.

well....maybe not. IF you can barely play tf2 like my laptop can “barely” play it, then I would say no. I mean I’ve got everything on my laptop set to get the best performance out of games at any cost(config files, Radeon Pro for the ATI card on my laptop) and I still don’t really get a smooth experience. I mean my

if you can play tf2 on your system, u can play overwatch.