
Wow, Dennis Quaid was actually correct, or pretty damn close! Been a fan since way back - great performances in Atonement and Hanna, but sadly all this time I thought her name was “Sao Reese”...

“they’re also largely ignored by the wider gaming public. I’d love it if that could change.”

still 60fps even after installing this mod? It’s a very demanding mod.

Is that the Prime Minister sniffing a cat?

I usually wait at least a year or two after launch, until whenever they drop down to around $10 including all DLC maps etc. Unfortunately by that time the population is low unless it’s a Valve game.

This kind of approach looks like the opposite of fun. When the combat is fun for me, it means dying and reloading often. If I never die, it feels like the game is too easy and I get bored.

OK, I installed the toolbox and it seems to work properly on my Intel X18M gen 2 SSDs. However I’m getting the following error message if I attempt to run full diagnostic scan:

Will this work with older SSDs as well? I have two Intel model X18-M gen 2 SSDs in a Raid.

Maybe you have a different approach for playing Bethesda sandbox games, but for me they all seem to last much more than 60 hours.

Yep 130 hours here and haven’t touched the main quest, probably will save it for future playthrough.

Exactly, he was fishing for it.

Skyrim Legendary Edition wasn’t released until June 2013.

There is no measuring stick for how much you personally enjoy a game, other than your own subjective pleasure or displeasure.

Obviously these are two different aspects of the game. The person I responded to complained about “gameplay shortcomings” as well as “mediocrity.”

Speak for yourself.

As someone who lives in LA, all I can say is daaaaayum son!

Well, Brando doesn’t have much of a career these days.

Ah, I see...in my case I end up rerolling lots of different characters to try different combat styles in these Bethesda sandbox games - lost count but probably around 30 or 40 for Skyrim. I’d recommend not to do everything with one character.

Certainly sounded like she burned some trees or bath salts or something before walking out there.

Do you also have Fallout 4? Which game is more demanding, in other words, do you get higher frame rate on maximum possible settings playing Witcher 3 or Fallout 4?