
Did their deal with Disney expire?

Why not simply examine average hours played instead of completion time? Whether you are playing CS:GO, TF2, Skyrim, or even MMOs, the "ROI" would seem to be more derived from the amount paid for the game compared to the hours of entertainment delivered. It's not necessarily about whether you ever finished the game.

Looks kind of like a red waffle

Could somebody translate? Why is she mad at this guy?

I think you missed the point of this game. It's all about the alliance war in Cyrodiil, not the PVE stuff.

I'm talking about the contrast between the English pronunciation of "tortilla" (/tɔrˈtiə/) vs spanish (/toɾ'tiʎa/) *rolls r* "torrrrrrtiiiiyyyaah"

Yes, I like Watanabe's choice in the film; however, as a native speaker of both Spanish and English, I must admit it is extremely annoying when US Latino newscasters insist on peppering their English language broadcasts with Spanish pronunciation of words like "tortillas" and Latino surnames, etc.

You're not american and you use the term "y'all"?

Perhaps for people who already have Xbox live accounts it might be easier, but in my case I only have a PC and when I bought Arkham City, I had to jump through so many irritating hoops just to get the game installed, despite already being logged in to my Steam account.

I had to copy and manually type in some CD key,

The solution for me has been to simply not to buy any games that require additional third party stuff on top of Steam. I've resolved not to make that mistake again after getting burned with Bioshock 2, Arkham City and Arkham Asylum, all of which I bought on Steam and took forever to figure out how to install. Even

Are you typing this comment on a PS3, or laptop? Most of us need already need some sort of PC, at least a laptop for work or school. Careful shopping can get you one at a good price that will run recent games around 1280x720 or 1600x900 resolution or so, comparable to XbOne and PS4.

Oh man, so disappointed. I was hoping for this:

The only game I've ever purchased on Origin was ME3. Would have much preferred to purchase it on Steam, but they limited it to Origin.

I can speak only for myself, but in my case, I bought Beats headphones because the sound is decent (better than smaller headphones), they look nice and they are designed to be folded up to fit in my bag very easily. 10/10 would buy them again.

Haven't yet tried the game on either format, but I gather the game is rendered at 1600x900 , 30fps on PS4. That is about 65% of the pixels compared with 1080p

Not trying to insult people, just sharing my opinion that I find that sort of aesthetic unappealing. I don't like the WoW art style either.

It's subjective, and certainly we all have our own preferences.

Agree about the Nickelodeon aesthetic. This looks like a game designed for young children.

Why does it need to be sealed? Are there places where they permit sealed water bottles but not water bottles that are simply re-closed?