so is there a chinese proverb about snorting shoe fungus or something?
so is there a chinese proverb about snorting shoe fungus or something?
One of these guys is doin' his own thing...
Wow, blown away by these prices, can't wait to get one!
Huh? I'm a bit confused by your comment.
Can I change my username to NeckBeardy McGigavirgin?
@JustWaitingforAMate - Yes, absolutely, you may not enjoy SteamOS. My point was only if you want to find out what it's like and you already own a decent desktop, there is no need to buy a Steam Machine. You can simply run SteamOS on your existing desktop and you will have the same experience as someone who buys a…
@JustWaitingforAMate I don't quite understand your response.
If you already own a PC powerful enough to play games, there is not any point in buying a second PC. If you want to try the final release version of SteamOS, perhaps you might see some sort of frame rate improvement with certain games installing by SteamOS on a partition with the PC you already own.
the Steam Machine is just a PC running SteamOS. You can run it on the desktop you already own and you will have the same experience.
So you only play through these games once? Or do you play multiple times using the same character appearance?
Ricochet 3 confirmed?
Adjusting the AA, texture and lighting settings etc. to accommodate personal preferences or improve frame rate has never felt like any sort of a chore in my case.
He canceled his game because of a troll twitter comment?
Almost bought this game during the current Steam sale, but I decided to wait for the next sale when I saw it didn't include DLC. At some point the price for every game eventually drops down to around $5 including all DLC. In my case I already have such a huge backlog, I have absolutely no problem waiting a year or two…
PC games are the steak, not the skittles.
I usually wait to buy most games about 12-24 months after release, whenever the price on Steam drops down to $5 - $10 including all DLC; however, I'm a huge fan of Bioshock, and don't mind paying as much as $60 for it. $35 would be well worth it, except for the fact that I'd have no time to play it (been too busy…