
Because the Impala is garbage. Possibly the worst car GM makes. Large crap handling FWD car. An interior that is rivaled only by Little Tikes. It serves one purpose, allowing rental car companies to buy a cheap car and charge a premium for it being a "full size". Or maybe it's an easy sell to stupid people who are


You are absolutely right and I'm a little weirded out now because I think I've been confusing the two ladies for ... years of television watching?

Grace Gummer! Not Mamie Gummer...don't worry, I made the same mistake. They could be twins.

Some party functionary 3 weeks from now "It means WHAT in English?"

I like my Hamburgers, like I like my Uter-braten!

Ahhh damnit. There was the line.... way back there.

Makes me even more proud of owning my WRX for 14 months ticket-free. Always felt like a time bomb, though.

I have the 5th gen. Fuck that button is stupid.

"Can we make it to the Eastern Conference Finals?"

Can we have both?

Bentley facade + Hummer = BUMMER.

"I'll take Morgan for $100, they same way your mom took M'organ last night, Trebek."


out of the greys with you!

Okay, because I know someone is gonna say, Well maybe she was being aggressive with the assistant principal, maybe she was running from the cops, etc, etc, etc. So let's just head that off at the pass and say unless she was holding a gun to their freaking heads there is NO REASON for three (or two or even one) grown