
You see what I'm getting at?

I'm tired of all of these shit lawsuits clogging up our legal system.

You know somebody is going to get a hold of this info and turn it into some kind of treatise on the horrors of pre-marital sex and how it makes everything "less special". If anything, it says a lot more about the pressure to put on a spectacle for the benefit of everyone but the people most directly involved in the

That last right-hand crest in the gif...

"That sure was fun working on your car. Let's have a little alone time now. Just be sure to clean out all of my cavities with antibacterial soap when you're done this time, OK?"

Oh, that's where you're wrong. Post-bailout "New GM" totally deserves a break. They are in no way financially affiliated with "Old GM", which is the company you're thinking of.

That jacket design is pretty cool. I hope this works. If nothing else, just so I can see a reactor that is a net producer of energy in my lifetime.

Have they mentioned what fuel this will use? Typical D-T plasma?

Frankly, with the big three doing redesigns on a more or less rotating basis, it's hard to NOT find a time when one of them is giving huge discounts off MSRP.

I found the model who posed for that tailgate mural:

It's awesome. The only thing that sticks out to me is that I wish there was more fine-line detail in those feathers on the driver's door. they just look a little out of place with all of that bare paint.

This just in:

I agree with this to an extent. Instead of the Impala, slot a stripped/budget version of the SS. Maybe a V6, that sort of thing. Hell, you could even still call it the Impala for all I care. The thing that frustrates me about a lot of manufacturers today is that there isn't enough difference between models; they just

Re: #10: I agree with keeping the same name as the rest of the world, but...

Could be worse. I thought they were both time-machine Meryl Streep.

Something something Uranus...

I have to be honest; I've been looking more closely at VR4s since your acquisition. The only problem I have is the one you just addressed.

Rule #1 in Norway: